22: Flames

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Michonne and Merle were nowhere to be found. Sam scanned the prison for them but they were missing. Daryl and Rick concluded that Merle had taken Michonne himself to Woodbury. Daryl was getting ready to head out and Carol was opening the gates when Sam appeared next to Daryl, falling into step with him. The burly hunter stopped and turned to look at Sam with stressed eyes.

"You can't come" He said softly, nobody in the prison could here this private conversation but Carol watched them as they exchanged words.

"Why not?" Sam asked, his eyes finding the brown eyes of Daryl.

"It's my job to put him into place" 

"I understand..."Sam wanted to say something else, that much Daryl knew but he decided against it and gave the man a quick hug, catching him off guard. The contact was alien but it was nice and Daryl felt a warm feeling overcome him, the stress momentarily was forgotten. Sam stripped off his jacket and gave it to Daryl who took it, the worn leather soft against his skin.

"Come back safe" Sam said and walked away, Daryl's vest wrapped securely around his shoulders. Daryl set off, his mind reeling but slightly clearer than before. He had full focus on the goal at hand, finding Merle. He eventually came upon Michonne and told her to go on back to the prison, carrying on to find Merle. Daryl continued on, finding Merle as a walker. He wept for the loss of his brother, he wept as he stabbed the advancing Walker three times in the head, his anguish and rage only dulled by the need to survive, the need to stay alive. Daryl knew he had to let go but his brother was the only family he had left. He returned to the prison, ignoring Sam who greeted him with a smile. Sam knew, he knew what had happened and he left Daryl to it, mourning was something private, something to be done alone. He felt the small child's grasp on his thumb tighten and looked down at the baby in his arms. Some things just can't be avoided. He stroked her head, rocking her gently as he sat, engulfed in his own thoughts. Glenn entered, watching the gentle giant rock the small child comfortingly. It was a lovely sight to see, it was like Sam was her father. Sam didn't notice Glenn who watched the man from the doorway, listening to the gentle lullaby he sang.

My head was warm

My skin was soaked

I called your name

'Til the fever broke

When I awoke

The moon still hung

The night so black

That the darkness hums

I raised myself

My legs were weak

I prayed my mind

Be good to me

An awful noise

Filled the air

I heard a scream

In the woods somewhere

A woman's voice

I quickly ran

Into the trees

With empty hands

A fox it was

He shook afraid

I spoke no word

No sound he made

His bones exposed

His hind was lame

I raised a stone

To end his pain

What caused the wound?

How large the teeth?

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