29: Caring

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Beth and Daryl sat beside the dying fire. By this point the had both had time to think and Beth had done nothing but contemplate what she wanted to do before she died. It wasn't that she felt unsafe or threatened yet she knew that her life was only limited.

"I want a drink," Beth said after a silence, her dinner of snake had gone down a treat and now she decided to voice her request, hoping food had put Daryl in good spirits. He passed her a bottle of water, face worn, tired.

"No, Alcohol. Daddy never let us have any" She clarified and Daryl didn't react, only took a swig from his own water and stood to get moving again. Beth stormed off and he followed her slowly, ambling along and saving her when she ran into a group of walkers, taking her back to the camp much to her frustration. She just wasn't happy with him at all, she hated his emotionless persona, how he never talked to her.

"I can take care of myself!" Beth raged as they left the camp. Daryl simply stayed silent. He contemplated how Hershel would feel about her brattiness. They stumbled upon a country club and Beth went in search of her precious liquor. Deeper into the club Beth found a bottle, unopened and it looked like ambrosia to her yet she was forced to smash it when a walker came at her, Daryl refusing to help as she has said that she could take care of herself. As they walked further forward Beth found a new shirt and Daryl collected anything with monetary value, a clock struck, the bell catching the attention of all of the walkers in the area that came after the sound with hunger. Daryl dispatched them all quickly, his skills of good use. In silence the moved on. Every place they went Beth searched and Daryl followed wordlessly. He grew bored, very bored and began playing darts with photos strung up on the walls.

"Is this brand any good?" A half empty bottle was in the blonde girl's hand and Daryl replied with a curt 'no' causing Beth to break down in tears and Daryl to smash the bottle.

"You're first drink'll be better"

He took her to a shack he'd once found with Michonne and shuffled around until he pulled a half-full bottle of moonshine out, one that he'd shared with Sam over a warm dinner of rabbit. Beth took a sip, retching at the taste.

"How'd'ya drink this stuff?" Her face was scrunched up as she offered a drink to Daryl who refused. She then convinced him to play a game, the 'I never' game she called it. He recalled Sam saying he'd played this once before with her.

"I've never been to jail" 

Daryl's anger flared. This insolent brat was saying he looked like a man of ill repute, that he looked like he belonged in prison. More than a bit intoxicated he raged, standing and grabbing her arm, yanking her forcefully outside. Catching sight of a walker he shot it in the chest, pinning it against the wall and forcing the heavy weapon into the girl's arms. She refused to shoot the walker, only stepped forwards and drove her knife through its skull. Voices raised and tensions heightened.

"Ya went to find Alcohol like some dumb college girl!" Daryl's temper could not be calmed.

"Ya just don't care 'bout anyone do ya?!" She yelled back and Daryl's eyes softened, he broke. His eyes watered and his voice wobbled.

"Hershel's death was all my fault! If i'd have shot at the governor I could've saved him! I could have saved them"

Beth paused, embracing the man and crying. Wondering who he meant by 'them'.

It had been days. Daryl had lost her, he was alone. She'd been abducted. He looked around him, crossbow ready to shoot at the six men surrounding him with weapons. He jumped up a punched one of them, crossbow trained on his head yet he found himself held at gunpoint.

"I call dibs on the vest"

"Wait! I like your crossbow"

He then told the hunter that if Daryl shoots him, then the rest of his group would kill Daryl, telling him that it would be both stupid and suicidal, and asks why he would hurt himself when he could hurt other people. He then introduced himself as Joe. Daryl slowly put down his crossbow and revealed his name to the man, Joe's group lowered their weapons too and it seemed that just like that he became a member of this 'group'.

Hey hey hey. This is short but focuses on the story between Beth and Daryl at this point. It's hardly something I can miss out. I apologise for the separation and the amount that the chapters have been jumping around to focus multiple stories but I promise they will be reunited soon. I want to know if this is the furthest the relationship should go or if it should go further?

Anyway, this is just a short hello note from me.

I love you all my fluffy marshmallows

Love Amai the Otaku, leader of the Marshmallows and wizard of Fairy Tail

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