60: Preparation

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This is good, this is good. You're ok, we're all ok"

He didn't know when this had started, this talking to himself. Perhaps it was when he was alone in the cell, perhaps it was even further back than that. Sam stood behind one of the trailers of Hilltop, trying to calm his racing thoughts after visiting Glenn's grave. He hadn't said anything to Daryl about his worry but Daryl knew. Daryl somehow found out everything and he was soon there beside Sam, meaning the man wasn't talking to the sky anymore. Daryl's concern had grown in the past few days for how well Sam was taking everything and the hunter knew that Sam was a fairly happy man despite the threat of the saviours looming over him, hell, they all had some form of happiness. Daryl was happy just knowing Sam was alive, just seeing the man beside him and being able to touch him, to breathe in the intoxicating scent of his skin as they embraced. Now calm, Sam pulled away from the hug to look at Daryl with thankful eyes.

"I need time"

"We all do" 

"On a lighter note, we should tell Maggie and Sasha and Enid about...this" Sam smiled softly, twirling the ring on his finger thoughtfully and Daryl leaned in to kiss his temple.

"I'm ready, It's whether you are"

Contrary to previous belief, Daryl was the one that was emotionally confident in their relationship and that surprised everyone, including his own fiancé, to no end. Daryl had been cold, hidden his emotion behind a deep set scowl and a brooding silence but now he was different. He told Sam his troubles, confided in him with almost everything and was comfortable with showing just how much love he felt. Sam, on the other hand, had been hardened by his experiences to the point that he was so unsure of all things. He needed constant reassurance that his feelings were reciprocated, constant reminders that he had a family, that he was safe. The roles had almost reversed.

"I think that I am"

The two men stepped out into the sweltering sun from their shaded place, the warmth spreading over them in a great wave. They walked, hand in hand, to where Maggie was eating a whole apple pie to herself as Enid sat, reading some teen novel and Sasha sharpened her knife blade. Sam noted that if it had been any other two people, the atmosphere would have been tense and awkward, yet, as they entered and smiled at the women who put down what they were doing.

"We have somethin' we wanna tell ya" Daryl started, nudging Sam with his shoulder supportively and giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. With the courage of a lion, Sam opened his mouth, a wide grin spreading across his face.

"We're engaged"

Silence. Sam read the shock in the faces of the women to be a positive thing as almost immediately, Maggie jumped up and engulfed them both with a python-like hold, her scrawny arms enveloping them. When she pulled away, Sasha also gave them both a quick hug, congratulating the two genuinely. Last was Enid who's eyes filled with tears as she hugged Sam.

"What is it Noodle?"

"I'm so happy. I know, I know it's stupid but this gives me so much hope. I know that things will get better and I know that we'll all be there, crying at your wedding" She giggled as Daryl ruffled her hair playfully. Maggie offered them pie as they sat down which both males politely refused, watching the pregnant woman gobble up the remains of the sweet treat, almost thankful that they said no. It was nice, sitting together, sharing stories from the past few weeks that they had been parted. It made them feel human again, like family again and Sasha was almost sorry as she gathered up her weapons and headed out of the compound with Rosita. She didn't even give a goodbye, just left the group talking and laughing while she went off to satisfy herself by killing Negan, she knew she'd die and said one last goodbye to Sam, to Daryl, to Enid, to Maggie. to Glenn and Abraham. 

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