45: Onslaught

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A pounding filled his head and mirrored the pounding of walkers on the walls. He ducked into the medical house to see the new medic, a girl who he had not met. She flinched but when she saw the serene expression on his face she relaxed. She invited him to sit and even though he did not know her he sat, engulfed by a niggling worry for Daryl. He was not back yet, Hell, Sam didn't even know if he was still alive. This was what was eating at him, the fact that the one he loved could be dead. His stomach churned as he stared at the floor, eyes unmoving. It wasn't until Carl popped his head around the door that the woman, Denise, moved, knowing Carl was one of Sam's companions.

"Sam, Are you ok?" 

"Is Daryl back yet?" It came out panicked, too quickly and Carl shook his head, seeing the hopefulness drain from the darkly handsome man's face as quickly as it had appeared. He sighed, the effects of Daryl's absence weighing heavily on him at this moment. During times of hardship Carl had always looked to Sam as a brother, a strong immovable barrier and yet now, stripped down to only his bare bones Carl saw his vulnerability. He hovered at the door, ignoring Denise's inquisitive gaze. She soon became preoccupied with the medical books they had at their disposal and Carl patted Sam's shoulder awkwardly.

"Let's go outside" Carl said quietly and Sam followed, his silence oddly comforting. This was their attempt at processing. They sat on the porch of Sam and Daryl's house, letting the sun warm their faces and observing the effort being made to return to normal. After a few more moments Carl could not stand it and turned to Sam. Sam watched hair fall over the teenager's eyes and waited until he had brushed it back to speak.

"Sorry, I'm just...really worried" Sam voiced, wringing his hands and Carl smiled.

"Me too"

"About what?"


"You like her?" It was an odd question. They had never spoken about things like this before, girls or crushes or the like and Carl blushed.


"That's a yes" Sam teased as best he could while still staying clutching his hands together, thoughts not any clearer. It wasn't that Sam was worried Daryl would die, he wasn't. Daryl had made a promise to him and he'd be mightily pissed off if the red-neck broke it. Sam was simply worried for Daryl's reaction when he found out what had happened. Carl decided to take the teasing into his own hands.

"Who are you worried about? Daryl?" 

"Everyone obviously" Sam blurted out, turning his slightly rosy face away as Carl laughed, smiling widely. Sam was glad Carl was smiling yet not at his own expense. Rick came over then. Sam noticed Carl's face fall in the presence of his father and sighed as Carl and Rick went off to teach Ron how to shoot a gun, leaving Sam to stare, unamused, at one prayer circle sign that Gabriel had so readily made, trying to burn it to ashes with his eyes. If Gabriel was convinced a prayer circle would help anything then he was deluded.

Sam caught sight of Morgan, aware that he had got into a dispute with Carol about the wolves he had let escape. He had not spoken to the man yet, only seen him around. It seemed obvious that Morgan was trying his best to keep it that way. Fuck him then, Sam thought, watching him talk to Carol in a heated looking conversation. He became lost as they disappeared from view, his thoughts only interrupted when the crumbling of a building alerted him. He watched in horror as the watchtower toppled, bringing down the outer wall and leaving gaping hole. Sam leapt into action, drawing his bow and knocking an arrow only to see that all the  walkers were flooding in and changing to his machete, clutching the handle with white-knuckled grip. He began to hack away at them and heard the spattering of gunfire, only to hear it stop moments later and to see Rick rush the injured Deanna inside. All the inhabitant were inside and watched Sam helplessly through the windows. Sam was overwhelmed, they came at him from all sides, teeth snapping, jaws opening and closing with their inhumane hunger driving them. He was aware of the others around him and heard Daryl call through Rick's walkie talkie and relief flooded through him. Just then he was knocked over by the walkers and they swarmed him, biting at him ferally. 

"HELP! NO! SAM!" Rick yelled, fear clear in his tone. Sam really did think he was going to die here and fought back as best he could but the sheer number of them was too much for anyone to handle and he let out a cry of anguish, desperately fighting to stay alive.

Daryl had met up with Sasha and Abraham in the fuel truck that he'd managed to commandeer after his little excursion with the strangers and sat, gaining back his energy. He mind was preoccupied by searching for signs of Sam as they drove back towards the town and yet there were no signs he had come this far. Suddenly remembering he had a means of contacting Rick Daryl fumbled around for the radio that he had tucked inside his jacket pocket. His big hands closed around the small box-like object and he pulled it out, pressing the button and calling out to Rick on it. Just as before the radio crackled and the muffled sound of screams came through the speaker. This did not set Daryl so much on edge and yet what followed did. Rick's voice cut through the silence of the truck.


Sam? What was wrong with Sam? Daryl quickly pressed the button again but the static overpowered everything and soon the radio went dead, battery worn from Daryl's repeated pressing. He ran a hand through his hair in worry, pressing his foot down on the pedal and driving erratically. Sasha and Abraham noticed this sudden change in attitude yet did not comment, also consumed with negative thoughts at what that could have been. Daryl's heart pounded in his chest as he floored the accelerator, knuckles turning white due to his grip on the wheel. Daryl had a mind to run over the biker gang that stopped in front of the truck and yet kept what little shreds of humanity were still intact and halted, foot slamming the breaks. They jolted forwards at the abrupt halt and climbed out of the truck.

"Give up all your supplies, and your truck" 

"Why should we?" Daryl spat, agitated. He was horribly on edge, jumpy and the possibilities were eating away at him, tearing him apart from the inside out. His head was in turmoil. It was true what they said, nothing kills man faster than his own head.

"Your property now belongs to Negan"

They handed over the arms. Daryl had a plan obviously. He was taken by a man to inspect the cargo, leaving Sasha and Abraham to be inspected by the front, guarded by two of the bikers. Unexpectedly, the group burst into flames and Sasha and Abraham were left to look on in awe and shock as Daryl appeared from the back, revealed to have fired the RPG that Abraham found at them all. 

"Assholes" Daryl muttered before climbing back into the truck, setting off at a dangerous speed again towards the town.

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