Life Of A Hero (Shubmau) Part 1

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So this is a Superhero AU. Incase anyone is curious, yes I did make Jess's husband Jason, her brother. Don't judge me! And before you lovelies start saying that I stole some things from Big Hero 6, I couldn't come up with anything else so this is what I've got. And I am not exactly sure how to do this so I hope all you lovelies enjoy.
Disclaimer: I tried my best to do Kestin's accent. I apologized if it's terrible.

Shelby's POV:

I opened my locker and grabbed my art book and pencils before closing it again. I turn around to be met with someone standing a few inches away from me, causing me to yelp and jump back and drop my stuff, making the person chuckle. I look up and glare at the person practically dying of laughter. "Ugh! Zachary G!" I shout at him in annoyance, and a wee bit of amusement. Zach continued to laugh and put his hands up in surrender. "O-Okay, okay. Ha ha! I-I'm sorry, I ap-oligize. Ha ha! But the look on your face! That was priceless! Ha ha!" I look at him without any emotion as he continues to die of laughter. "Okay, well could you at least act like a gentleman and kindly help a woman pick up her stuff that you made her drop?" I asked, hoping he would get the hint and help me for once in his life.

He regained his composure and stood up straight and pulled a straight face before bringing himself into a dramatic old fashion bow. "It would be my honor, malady!" He said in a weird voice that I assumed was supposed to be British- French? I couldn't tell. He leaned down and picked up my stuff before tucking it under his arm and holding out his other hand for me to take. Rolling my eyes at his ridiculous behavior, I decided to play along and put my hand in his before bowing my head as well. Aand we wonder why people think we're dating. "Oh thank you, kind sir! You really are too noble, any woman would be lucky to have you!" I said in my best British voice, trying to stifle my laughter. Zach and I began to walk to our last period together, still joking and laughing the whole way there.

We finally got to the library and Zach opened the door for me, still having some silliness left over from earlier. "Malady." He said. I just looked at him and lightly punched his shoulder. " Doofus." I said and walked in, Zach close behind me. We walk to the back of the library and sit at the window seat. We have a free this period with another friend, and we always go to the library; probably because nobody really comes here so it's just the three of us. I got out my art book while Zach looked around the library; presumably trying to find any teachers within proximity of us; before pulling his Nintendo Switch out of his backpack and began to play Mario Kart. I giggle at him and he looks at me with a confused look. "Ya know, if a teacher sees you with that thing then you will definitely get after school detention, right?" He gave me a 'really' look and began to speak.

"I won't get caught, Shelby. Ya know why? Because I have an eagle eye, and I can spot a teacher coming a mile away. There's no way I'm gonna get caught!" I just looked at him like he was stupid. Suddenly, someone snuck around behind Zach and grabbed the Nintendo Switch from his hand before whisper-yelling in a teacher like voice. "No electronics in school! Detention, Zachary!" Zach yelped in surprise and turned around to face the person, expecting a teacher only to be met with our friend. "Wha-! Ugh! J-Jess! That was not funny! I thought I was actually going to get in trouble!" Jess just giggled, handing Zach his Switch before sitting down next to me. "Oh come on Zach, you're only upset because I made you lose the race." "You would be too! I was doing Rainbow Road and I hadn't died once! But thanks to you I got demoted down to last place!" "Oh hush it was bound to happen eventually." I said taking part of the conversation, causing Zach to huff before restarting the race.

Jess giggled at Zach's childish behavior and got out a book and began reading, while I continued on my drawing from earlier. My art book is full with different art styles, artwork, and even some pages filled with so many small doodles, that there wasn't a  single blank area on the page. I always put so much time into my art, even though it's just for fun, I take pride in it and always try to make it as detailed as possible. I was so caught up in drawing, I almost didn't hear what Jess said; and I wouldn't of, if it weren't for the last thing I heard her say. "Hey, isn't that Lady Speed?" At that name I tense, my head shooting straight up and I almost dropped my pencil. I quickly look to Jess, a mixture of fear and shock hidden in my eyes. "What did you say, Jess?" "I said: 'Isn't that Lady Speed?'" She said again this time pointing to my art book.

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