Come Little Children

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Imagine Mariel singing this. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the YT's used in this one shot. Thank you.

  Somewhere in a dark cave, a candle is suddenly lit, revealing a boy around the age of twelve. He was wearing dark blue jeans and a blood red hoodie that hid his face. He took the candle he lit and put it on a smooth rock that acted as a desk. He kneeled down and took a small worn out notebook out of his bag along with a feather pen. He put the notebook on the stone and flipped to a fresh new page where he began writing.

"I still remember it like it was yesterday," he began, writing everything he said. "though it was countless moons ago. The kingdom I once called my home, was under the rule of a wonderful sorceress who treated everyone with kindness and all children as her own. One day, all that happiness ended, when he arrived. He overthrew the kind sorceress with his own dark magic and sent the kingdom into ruin and despair. Only his friends and the wealthy were able to get by, leaving more than half of the village poor; most of them being children... like me."

When the boy finished the sentence he was writing, he momentarily placed his pen down and removed his hood, revealing a mess of untamed curly dark brown locks, and large brown eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. He smiled before picking up his pen and writing again. "The evil king sent the sorceress away never to be seen again... At least... That's what he thought. No one knows that we are here, smiling beneath the moonlight while remembering our Dear Mother... For we will forever be..." as he finished what he was saying he closed the notebook and put it in his bag with his pen before picking up the candle and standing, smiling wider. "... Her Children Of The Night..." he blew out the candle, remembering that night.

In the middle of the kingdom, there was a large statue of a woman with a staff in her one hand while her other clutched her chest over where her heart would be. The statue let a single tear roll down her cheek as a figure came close to the statue before looking up at the statue's face and removing their hood. The figure was a woman, the same woman who the statue appeared to be based on. She had on a long blue dress, with a brown cape and an emerald green necklace. She had long bright orange hair that went down to her waist, blood red lips and her eyes were like large green emeralds. She smiled up at the statue before touching her emerald amulet lightly.

'I might not have been able to help them then, ' she thought. 'but let me save them now. I won't leave until it is done.' she looked up to the moon and held her emulate up, causing it to glow a bright green. She made a promise to herself before she came there, she will free the poor children from that terrible place. But in order for that to happen, the selective few that were awake had to be asleep. And she knew just how to do that. She began to hum a soft tune before turning it into words.

"Come, little children
I'll take thee away
Into a land
Of enchantment"

"Come, little children
The time's come to play
Here in my garden
Of shadows"

As she sang, her voice traveled through the kingdom putting the selective few that were awake, asleep. her beautiful voice traveled all the way to the castle, where some guards were doing the nightly patrols. The voice traveled through the many halls of the castle putting the guards to sleep. One guard; the captain to be exact; watched as the guards in front of him slowly fall to the ground in a deep sleep.

He began to panic before running down the hallway, trying to reach the king's quarters before the sorceress's spell consumed him. However, he only made it halfway down the hall before being consumed by sleep and slowly fell to the floor. Back by the statue, the sorceress knew her spell had worked and smiled. She lifted her amulet up again and it glowed brightly as she began to lift a few feet off the ground and carefully flew down some pathways and streets with the moonlight following behind her as she continued to sing.

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