Comfertable Silence (Jizzie)

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Alright, so I saw this picture and got inspired to write this. It honestly made me go on an emotional roller coaster just to write this, so anyone who reads this, I hope you enjoy it. Also, the reason this is between Lizzie and Joel is because I felt really bad about making Joel the bad guy in my Jackula series. He is just so fun and adorable and deserves better than the life I have forced him to live within this book. So I gave him a happy ending... that might start off with a sad beginning. Sorry about that. Anyway, enjoy my lovelies. I might make more of this latter if I have more ideas because I really like this idea and I just want to make more.

It's going to start off as a flashback then move on to present time.
"This" is when someone is using sign language.
"This" is regular speaking.
Okay continue.

~Joel's POV~

I hear the click of the front door as my dad locks it. I can't wait to go ice skating. I'm just too excited! In my excitement, I attempted to run from the porch to the car only to slip and fall to the snow and ice covered ground. My father laughs and gently picked me up and placed me on his hip. "Careful there, buddy. Ya know, someday this ice is going to cause a problem." I wasn't really listening to his words, too happy to really understand what he said. "Come on, Dad! Come on, come on, come on!" I beg as my pudgy hands grab onto his winter coat. My dad laughs and carefully goes over to the car. He opened the car door and placed me in my car seat before securing me in it. He gets in the drivers seat, puts on the child safety lock, and we are on our way.

The ice rink we're going to is an hour and a half away, but it was going to be worth it. We were about thirty minutes away from our destination when it began snowing hard. Dad just sighed and looked at me through the mirror. "Its really coming down hard, isn't it. I just hope that this year, we have a white Christmas."I smile and look out the window, trying to count every snowflake as we move on to a freeway. "Hey, Dad?" "Yes, Joel?" "Thank you for taking me. This is going to be so much fun! I just wish that Mom could come too." "Well Mom is at home with your brother making Christmas cookies and sweets. I think the only reason that your Mom let you and I go is so that we don't eat everything." I laughed and dad let out a hearty chuckle. "Well what about Oli, don't you wish that your brother is going too?"

I put on an exaggerated frown and crossed my arms. "Nah hah! Oliver is a butt!" I was a little mad at him. He ate three Christmas cakes this morning and blamed it on me, and I didn't even have one! So mom said that I don't get any cakes until Christmas. Which is in five whole days! How will I live?! Dad laughs and looks at me through the mirror again. "Now, don't say this to your brother, and especially not your Mother, but Oliver is kind of a butt, isn't he?" I giggle and clap my hands. I'm happy I can joke with my Dad like this.

"You know something, Dad?" "And what would that be, Joel?" "I love you." My dad smiled and reached an arm back, placing it on my knee. "I love you too, Joel. More than you'll ever know." I smiled in content and looked back out the window. Suddenly, there was the sound of screeching tires. I snap my head forward and see a large delivery truck going in the opposite direction of us skid on the ice and hit the cement barrier. The truck then changes direction, heading for us. It all happened so fast. My dad trying to move out of the way, his arm reaching up from my knee to my shoulder, trying to protect me. My screams mixed with the screeching of tires, the windshield shattering, and the honking of car horns being the last thing I hear as I'm knocked unconscious when the truck collides with us head on.....

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