Jackula: Maleficent AU Pt1 (Seapeesucksatlife)

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Okay, so I saw the trailer for Maleficent 2 and I just got inspired. And I just thought that most of the YouTubers fit the characters' roles perfectly. Jack is mysterious and in his Harmony Hollow series, he was the king of the vampires; just like how Maleficent is the queen of the Moors. And Calum is adorable and carefree just like Aurora. Everyone's cloths are like what they were in the movie, except for Calum. And just imagine the dresses that Maleficent wears are robes. They already look like it to be honest. Disclaimer: I do not own Disney or Maleficent. I repeat: I DO NOT OWN DISNEY OR MALEFICENT!!! I understand that not all YouTubers fit the roles I gave them perfectly, but I put them where I thought they fit in. I know that Joel would never act like how I made him act. This is just for fun! With that said, please enjoy!


Let us tell an old story anew, and then we will see how well you know it. Once upon a Time, there were two kingdoms who were the worst of neighbors. So vast was the discord between them that it said only a great hero or a terrible villain would bring them together. In one kingdom lived people like you and me, with a vain and greedy king to rule over them. They were forever discontent, and envious of the wealth and beauty of their neighbors. For in the other kingdom, Harmony Hollow, lived every manor of strange and wonderful creature. And they needed neither king nor queen, but trusted in one another. In a great tree on a great cliff in Harmony Hollow lived one such spirit. You might take him for a boy. But he was not just any boy. He was a fairy. A fairy with great horns and beautiful long dark wings sat in his tree, using his magic to make the wooden dolls he had dance.

A large gust of wind blew through the tree, causing one of the branches to snap and break. The boy stopped his magic, causing the dolls to drop, and crawled up the tree to where the split branch was; his brown robe getting caught on the leaves and thorns. He took his hands and wrapped them around the broken branch, using his healing magic to mend the branch. When the magic was done he removed his hands and smiled. "There you go. You're all better now." I'm sure you're wondering who this young lad was. Well, his name was Jackula. Jack jumped off the tree, his wings expanding to safely carry him as high as they would take him. As he passed over the many creatures that inhabited the lush forest filled land, he said hello to the water pixies, the mud creatures, and many others. He was flying over the large lake when he saw a large amount of creatures arguing and whispering amongst themselves while three other, much smaller, fairies tried to calm the scared creatures.

Curious, Jack flew down and gracefully landed in the center of the crowd in front of the three fairies. "What's all the fuss about?" He asked. The fairy dressed in purple with brown/purple hair answered. "The border guards have discov..." "Why do you get to tell him? I want to tell him!" The fairy in a yellow dress with brown hair and emerald green eyes interrupted. "There are rules, Bee. I tell this time, you tell next time." "No Lauren, you told last time so I should tell this time and Shelby tell next time." "Tell me what?" Jack tried. "Fine." Lauren said. "Thank you..." Bee said before clearing her throat. "The border..." "The border guards have discovered a human thief by the Pool of Jewels!" Shelby exclaimed, then paused realizing what she had done. "Sorry..." Shocked, Jack opened his wings and took off towards the Pool of Jewels, creating a gust of wind that pushed the three fairies back. "Ugh! He's always in a hurry and showing off his big wings!" Shelby announced. "Humans here..." Lauren started. "I hope this isn't the start of another war..."

Jack flew as fast as his wings would carry him. In less than a minute, he was at the Pool of Jewels in front of a cave where the border guards had their spears pointed towards the entrance of the cave. Jack flew down and landed between the frighteningly tall creatures. "Oumba Ga Oba." One of the guards told Jack, stretching his long arm out across Jack's chest, as if to protect him. "I'm not afraid." Jack said, gently lowering the guard's arm. "Besides, I've never seen a human up close." He looked towards the cave with newly found courage. "Come out." "No!" A voice from inside the cave called. "Those things plot to kill me! And besides, they are hideous to look at!" At these words, the border guards stood a fended before growling in anger. "That is extremely rude!" Jack shouted, appalled at such language and hate toward such amazing creatures. "Don't listen to them Babozar! You're classically handsome!" Babozar grumbled a Thanks to Jack before his attention was brought back to the cave. "It's not right to steal, but we don't kill people for it!" Jack explained. "Now come out. Come out this instant!"

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