Chapter VII

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"Here" Lou put a blindfold on me which caused me to tense up

Oh my.! What if he secretly hates me and tries to murder m-

"Don't Tense Up Everything's perfectly fine when I'm with you"

I felt that he grabbed my hand and guided me somewhere...


"We're Here Y/N..." I heard an abundant amount of hair swift by me "I'm taking your blind fold off"

I helped him take my blind off we were on a cliff, which I may say was a beautiful scenery, but that's it?..

I looked at him confused...

"Don't worry Doll that's not it look to your right.!~" he said grabbing my hand and making me look.

It was a picnic! "Aw..-" I sat down and he sat down in front of me "When did you set this up?" I asked cause it's impossible he did this yesterday..!

"Well I did this morning after I saw your name in the list of performances today.. and since it was your first one here, I thought I might as well do something special to commemorate the day!" He explained

I was just in awed and shocked, I let a tear go down my cheek which I wiped immediately

"No no no! This wasn't supposed to make you cry!"Lou said getting closer to me "Sorry.. it's cause nobody's really done something special for me" I finally let out a sigh and hugged him tightly!

"Shall we eat I'm starving!" I joked trying to lighten the mood, Lou just chuckled and took the food out.

This wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

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