Chapter XI

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A few days passed and I started getting closer and closer to Lou, maybe too close.?

I have slept over his house a couple of times, and no we didn't do anything like that! Yet anyways..

I'm currently going over to Nolan's place, why? Cause I haven't seen him and every time I see him around he avoids me, which is a frown upon.

I walked over greeting others, my name has been getting around more since I'm with Lou, most are good.. most.

I finally arrived to Nolan's house, I walked to the tiny steps and knocked waiting for a response. I waited a few more seconds before knocking again and again, till I couldn't handle it anymore I picked the lock. As soon as I unlocked it I barged in looking around till I found the dark brown haired doll laying on the couch wrapped around with a red blanket, i let out a sigh of relief soon shutting the door and walking towards him and sitting down beside him waiting for him to acknowledge me.

"Get out."

"Not until you tell me what's wrong"


"Okay I'll wait."

"Fine" he soon got up but still wrapped himself more with the blanket, as soon as I got a clear view of him my head-space went wild with questions.

"What happened?" I asked not wanting to Barnard him with questions.

He sighed and whispered something I needed to hear closely if not I would have missed it.

"I'm broken"

"Broken?" I asked having every bad thought I could possibly think of springing to mind

"Broken hearted" I caught him trying to sniffle the tears back inside but instead him breaking down.

I spent all afternoon with him trying to comfort him as much as I could but the one thing he wouldn't tell me was, who.


Soon I went back home gathering stuff to spend the night at Nolan's place, completely forgetting about Lou, but my best friend needed comfort so do you really blame me?

"Want more ice cream?" I asked taking another large container out the fridge.

"I think I'm fine, thank you y/n"


I'm back! Sorry for short chapter I just wanted to update this story as soon as possible! Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter 💛.

UglyDolls || Lou x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt