The Distorionist x Reader Chapter Two

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~Ignore any typos~ Because I'm new to this, if you're reading this and enjoy it, please share this with another Vocaloid fan! It would mean a lot to me...! Anyway, enjoy my horrible writing! (Also, I didn't make this to copy CryGardens, but their writing IS amazing!)

"Who is that ugly MONSTER you were talking to, [Your name]?" Fukase asks, sounding furious. "Is he now YOUR BOYFRIEND?!" I quickly turned around to respond to Fukase, and realized that my face was red with embarrassment and fury. "He is not ugly OR a monster! M-maybe... Maybe YOU'RE THE MONSTER!" I responded, enraged. "You don't even know him, but insult him!"

Fukase laughed at my face. "You just met him, correct?" He asked. I nod, still angry. "Then, you HARDLY know this dude. "Ugh! I'm sick of your shit, Fukase! You get so easily jealous! You're right, we just met, so he ISN'T MY BOYFRIEND!" I shout, ready to leave. I quickly start walking towards the exit.

"But, [Your name] you only went on one ride!" I hear Rin shout to me, as I'm leaving. I didn't even bother to respond to her, because I couldn't care less about the rides. I feel like I may be overreacting, because I'm just leaving my friends because Fukase was being a little asshole. Laughter and joy is in the air at the amusement park, but I don't feel very joyful, also. What I want to do is call Chris... Something about him is so unique and interesting, and I almost enjoyed it when he held me in his skinny white arms.


After a couple of minutes, I have returned to my house. It was dark and lonely there... Why did I decide to leave them? Sure, I believed I was right in the argument, but it wasn't right to leave them. I also feel horrible because there is a 99.9% chance that Oliver is crying right now... Maybe I'M the monster. I entered my bedroom, and laid on my bed. I lost track of time, so I was probably laying there for about two hours.

I didn't even notice that I was crying... I felt like a horrible person, even though it is not confirmed that they are mad at me! I quickly decided I'd call Chris...

I clicked the button on my medium sized phone to call Christopher Pierre, and waited to see if he'd answer. Chris didn't answer... I continued just laying there for 10 more minutes, but I see Chris called me back! I quickly answer my phone...! I couldn't wait to hear his handsome voice again!

"Hello, dear. You called before?" Chris said. "Y-yes, I did. Sorry to bother you..." I awkwardly reply. "No, no, don't apologize. Why did you decide to call now, lovely?" He asked. Chris called ME lovely? But why? Does he do that to everyone? "I-I wanted to tell you something that happened, and tell me if I'm wrong." I say to him. "Go ahead, [Your name]." Chris tells me. I go on and explain everything that happened with me and my friends, but leave out that Fukase had insulted Chris.

"I think you made the right choice. They don't seem like good friends, after all. None of them tried to stop you from leaving." Chris said. "So, don't trust them." I don't decide to respond to him right away, because I was busing considering what he had just said. "I guess you right." I finally say in response. "Thanks for telling me that." "No problem, dear. I don't know why you'd worry so much about a little thing." Chris responds. "You truly are unique, then... Most people would right away know that they are right."

I blush and smile. Christopher Pierre called me unique, now?! Luckily he wasn't here to see my cherry red face! But then, Chris asked, "[Your name], dear, tomorrow at 12:00 would you like to see each other at that new coffee place?" I couldn't believe my fucking ears! Is this a date?! I hope so! "Of course, Chris!" I happily reply.

Me and Chris talk on the phone for another 2 hours, and get to know each other more! When we finished talking, I had completely forgotten about the dispute between me and Fukase. But, it felt like it didn't even matter, now! I think I have a date! Nothing could go wrong, right?

♥~To be continued~♥
(Sorry that that was horrible)

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