The Distorionist x Reader Chapter Three

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👆(By the way, that's Kennith

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👆(By the way, that's Kennith. He's in this chapter)👆

~Ignore any typos~ I'm back! Woohoo, chapter 3! Also, I've started something where I rate Vocaloid ships! Check it out, if you'd like to. And, on the last page of it, you can request ships for me to rate, and I will! Again, check it out! Sorry, haha. Enjoy my crappy writing!♥

It was four in the morning, and I had hardly slept because of my excitement. I was ecstatic! I hope this was actually a date, not two friends just going out for coffee...! Now that I think about it, I've never actually been on a date...

I feel like I need some advice... But, who should I ask? Fukase is mad at me, Oliver has never been on a date, either, and Rin and Len would just give crappy tips, and I know it. Anyway, I have no idea if they're mad at me. I mean, besides Fukase. I've been getting texts from him that I don't even bother to read, I bet he's just scolding me for some shit I didn't do or say. I don't know, and frankly don't care what he's saying.

Anyway, I need help with this! Right now! But who to ask? Not Piko, Definitely NOT Mayu, even though she's amazing, and probably not Flower... Wait... But what about my close friend Daina?! She's dating Dex, so she could probably help!

I reach for my phone, and begin texting Daina. (This is you and Daina's text conversation).

You: Daina! Daina!

Daina: Huh, [Your name], what's up, girl?

You: I think I have a date!!!

Daina: REALLY? Who's the lucky guy?

You: Hehe, his name is Christopher Pierre...

Daina: You're joking...

You: What's wrong with Chris...?

Daina: Well, he...  Nevermind. I believe you want advice?

You: Umm, yes, thanks.

Daina: Be yourself. That's important. Also, don't say anything stupid.

You: I'll try not to.

Daina: Lol.

You: Can you come over and help me pick out an outfit?

Daina: K. When's the date?

You: 12:00.

Daina: [Your name], you have like... 8 hours or something like that before then, girl!

You: Wait, why are you up right now?

Daina: Me and Dex stayed up all night watching movies. We are rn lol.

You: Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt you. Stay with him, I'll pick out my outfit...

Daina: No, no. Dex will probably pout, but he'll live, lol. I'll tell him now, [Your name]. Cya soon, girl!

You: Byeeee!! See you!

This is great! Daina is coming over to help me pick out a stunning outfit! I guess instead of looking in my closet, I'll buy the hottest thing I could find. I'm also very thankful she gave me SOME tips, even though they weren't the best and I know it, it was something, and I appreciate it...!


Finally, Daina arrived at my house. We hugged for a minute or two, because we haven't seen each other in a couple of days. "Daina!" I said, beaming. "[Your name], I'm happy to see you again!" Daina happily replied. "You, too! Anyway, let's get going!" I say to her. Daina nodded, and we got in my [Car color] colored car.

We drove to this big, fancy mall. It sounds terrifying to go here alone, because there's a chance of getting lost. Anyway, Daina knows this WHOLE MALL like the back of her hand. I'm not worried about that.

Anyway, we entered a popular clothes store in this mall. I saw some familiar faces here, like Miku is shopping here right now, and so is SeeU. We wave to each other quickly, and me and Daina continue walking on the glossy white floor. We stop for a moment . "Look at this!" Daina said excitedly, pointing at a dress with a lot of sparkles on it. It didn't seem appropriate for a date at a simple coffee place. So, I decided to simply shake my head, and we continued looking.

Daina and I found cute dresses and outfits, but none were suitable for this. Suddenly, a guy with messy pink hair, and short shorts came over. He didn't seem to work here, but he said, "Hi, y'all, I'm Kennith. You look like you need help picking out an outfit." "Y-Yeah, I do need help. I have a date at that new coffee place at 12:00." I sort of whisper.

Kennith nods, and takes my wrist and brings me over to a dress (Daina was close behind). It was absolutely gorgeous. It was my favorite color, [Your favorite color]. It wasn't very very fancy, but it was perfect for this date. Usually, I'm shy, but I appreciated that this Kennith guy helped me, so I said, "Kennith, thank you so much!" "No problem. What is your name anyway?" Kennith asked. "It's [Your first name and last name]." I simply respond.

Me and Kennith exchanged phone numbers, I have no clue why, but after that I paid for my cute new dress, and me and Daina chat a bit on the way back home.

I tried the dress on, and it fit perfectly, and I put some lovely ankle boots on. Daina, being the sweetheart she is, helped me with my makeup, and before I knew it, it was actually 8:00...

I already started to panic, but Daina calmed me down, and we talked for hours, but soon enough it was 11:35... Oh god.

♥~To be continued~♥
(Sorry that that was horrible)

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