The Distorionist x Reader Chapter Six

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~Ignore any typos~ It feels weird to be writing this again, to be honest! But, it's exciting. Sorry if it comes out bad, it's been a while. Anyway, enjoy this really crappy writing! ♥

On my way home, I see gray clouds covering the bright sun. It seems so cliche... I feel like I've never been more upset, but no salty tears with slide down my face, even though I almost wish they would now.

Light rain quickly falls from the fluffy gray clouds, almost making me feel worse. But, finally I'm home. I unlock the door quickly, hardly caring about opening my door.

I slam the door behind me, being mad at only one person... Myself. This was my fault, wasn't it? Someone I love is angry with me, and it's all my fault. I entered the room without his permission.

But, I was curious to see what was behind the locked door. I wanted to know more about him... Things he'd most likely never say.

I walked into my room, and flopped down on my soft bed. What am I going to do? How do I fix this? I kept thinking of ideas, but none of them seemed like they'd work... What now?

A minute later, I get a text message. I really hoped it would be Chris, and we could talk about this, but it wasn't. It was Kennith...

Kennith had been so nice by helping me pick out an outfit, maybe he could give advice. I feel bad about asking lots of people for help of advice, but I don't know how to fix this mess I've made.

(The text conversation:)

Kennith: Heyyy, [Your name]

You: Hi, Kennith...

Kennith: Uhhh... Is something the matter, or...?

You: Well, yes, but why'd you decide to text me?

Kennith: Because I have no one else to text.

You: I'm sorry :(...

Kennith: Whatever, let's NOT talk about me. How'd ya date thingy go?

You: Horrible. Let's just say that I did something that made my date, Christopher Pierre, mad...


You: Yes....

Kennith: i aM sHoCkEd

You: Why? Wait, nevermind. I really need your help...!!

Kennith: Ummm..... Buy him something or uhhh... Idk.

You: Okay... I can try that. But what?

Kennith: That is for you to decide.

Kenneth then stopped texting me, even though I kept saying things to him. Honestly, Kennith is pretty weird, but weird is good... Sometimes.

So, I should BUY him something? But what? I decided to pace around in my room, wracking my brain for ideas. Now, I get a phone call. What now?! I was busing, and didn't want to be disturbed, unless it was Chris.

I pick up my phone (which is almost dead), and answered it. Oh, fuck. It was Fukase.

"Hello, [Your name]." Fukase's voice said through the phone. "Hi." I simply replied. "So, you're dating the creep?" He asked rudely. I let out a long sigh, and responded with, "Look, if you called me just to argue, then please hang up. Things aren't working out between us currently."

Fukase let out a gasp of pure excitement. "Well, good! You don't need him! You need ME." Fukase commented. "Well, sometimes you are an as-... Nevermind, I'm just not in the mood to be mad." I said.

"I'm coming over." Fukase quickly said, and hung up. What makes him think he can invite himself over, especially after our last interaction in person was an argument?!

I considered locking the door and not answering it, but that would be too cruel. After 5 minutes, Fukase had arrived. He was wearing what he normally wore, a top hat with a red skirt that had a long, white jacket on top of it.

Fukase stepped into my house, and stared at me. "Now that this guy is out of the way-" Fukase started, leaning forward like he was ready to kiss me. I pushed Fukase back, and ran outside in the pouring cold rain.

I couldn't deal with his shit today. I just couldn't. My make up I forgot to remove was now all over my face, but at the moment I didn't care. Now that I was outside, maybe I could look for a gift.

I live close to lots of little stores, so this would be perfect. I literally ran over to them, not looking back to seem if Fukase was coming.

I had arrived at a tiny gift shop, and stepped into it. Inside there was a sweet smell that almost reminded me of Chris's cologne, but it wasn't.

I wasn't quite sure what to get, but I still looked around the tiny and old shop. There seemed to be no one here, besides me and the older lady behind the wooden counter.

I noticed there was a card section, so I walked over there. I flipped through all of the cards, looking for the right one. Most of them were birthday cards, but I found a plain one that I could write in, myself. It was a white card with black swirls on it, which made me think of Chris's eyes.

I walked over to the counter, and purchased the card for Chris. As I walked out, I saw another shop that caught my attention. A jewelry shop!

Sure, he may not want a fancy necklace or bracelet, but a ring will show my love (not an engagement ring, obviously).

I picked up the pace, and ran over there. It was a brilliant idea! I entered yet another little shop, but this one looked newer and better. I scanned all of the glass cases, looking for the perfect ring.

I decided to get him a silver ring with little jewels on it. Perfect. I found a nearby bench, and sat down to write on Chris's card. Through my writing, I showed my emotion and how sorry I was, without sounding like I was begging for forgiveness.

 Through my writing, I showed my emotion and how sorry I was, without sounding like I was begging for forgiveness

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(That's the ring)

As I sat there, I saw a person in the distance, walking. It was Chris. His face showed hardly any emotion, but he seemed to be going the direction where my house was... Now was my change to give him the card and ring!

If he truly was going to knock on my door, Fukase would answer, and Chris would think I'm dating Fukase, which wouldn't be good.

♥~To be continued~♥
(Sorry that that was horrible)

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