The Distortionist x Reader Chapter Four

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~Ignore any typos~ I'm excited to write this! I randomly got inspired for part of this, so I hope it comes out good (it probably won't). I hope you enjoy!

I started to panic... The time for the date or wherever the hell it was kept getting closer and closer, and I was nervous as hell. "Hey, it's alright." Daina said calming me down. "Just do me a favor, and don't believe everything he says, alright?"

"What was that supposed to mean?" I thought. But, I just replied with, "Ummm... Okay..." Now the old clock on the wall read 11:55... I had to leave right now... "[Your name], you got this!" Daina said, trying to cheer me up. But, it definitely didn't work... I was scared, and I didn't know why...

Did I just love him and was nervous to go on a date with him? That couldn't be the case! Or was I just too nervous to admit it...? I waved my shaking hand goodbye to Daina, and I yet again got into my car...

I drove past many beautiful flowers, trees, and houses, and the sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky. It did seem like a good day for a date... If that was what this is... Did I get dressed up for absolutely no reason? It would be so embarrassing if he wasn't dressed up, too.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived at the new cafe. It was truly beautiful, with flowers surrounding the building, some fancy new looking wood on the walls, a doorknob that was shaped like a heart that was made of pure gold. But, the best part was the Chris was standing outside waiting for me.

Chris had on a black tie with a white button up shirt, and a black jacket. His pants were all black, as well as his shiny shoes. Chris looked so handsome... I walked over to him with little confidence, and wasn't sure if I was nervous or excited. Or both.

We both smiled at each other, and I nervously said, "H-hello, Chris..." "Hello, dear." He responded with a sweet smile. I started to feel less tense after seeing that smile.

To my surprise, he hugged me. It was a tight hug, and I could smell the cologne on him. I always sort of liked how cologne and perfume smelled, but never wore either.

When our arms returned to our side and weren't around each other, we walked in. The smell of coffee and muffins filled the air, and it smelled delicious. Me and Chris walked up to the counter, the place you order at. The women behind the counter looked repulsed by Chris's face, which annoyed me greatly, since I thought he was the handsomest guy I've ever met or seen.

We quickly ordered, not saying anything to each other then. So, we found a table and sat down there. "Dear, I must say, you look rather stunning today." Chris complimented. "Well, you always look beautiful, but..." My face started to heat up, and I realized this WAS a date.

"Chris, you look really handsome today, a-also... You always do...!" I said nervously in response, then took a bite of my chocolate chip muffin (sorry if you don't like chocolate chip muffins, reader). The taste of this muffin was amazing! It was the best muffin I've ever had!

I noticed that Flower had been making all of the food and drinks here, while everyone else just handed the food or drinks to us. She's a very talented woman... I also noticed Chris was staring at me, which made me blush.

"Why are you just-" I started, but Chris leaned across the wooden table, and placed his lips on top of mine. I started to enjoy this, and closed me eyes. We weren't just kissing, now... We were making out.

I forgot that I had gotten little sleep, and accidentally feel asleep, somehow. Surprisingly, I dreamt of something... It felt so real, but clearing wasn't.

I was in a dark room, with what appeared to be four mirrors... Already, this was very unsettling. I disliked being alone in dark rooms, but it made it even stranger when I was surrounded by perfectly fine mirrors. But then, I heard a music playing quietly in the background...

Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a 
Mirror shattered long ago

And, sure, I’m the one who swung the metal bat
But, hey, I can’t control the urge!
Nobody’s gonna blame me for that...

After I heard that, I saw Christopher Pierre standing in front of the four mirrors... He appeared to be holding a metal bat... "I'm not as cruel as you see me..." He whispered, then laughed, and lifted up his metal bat...

My eyes snapped open, and I Christopher's face was close to mine. He was making sure I was alright, but I wasn't. Why couldn't I fall back asleep to see what would happen? What was he going to do? "Are you alright, [Your name]?" Chris asked, sounding concerned. "You feel asleep at quite a weird time."

"Chris?" I asked, still sounding tired. "Do you... Own a bat of some sort?" His body tensed up. "But of course not, dear." He replied, simply. My head started to ache, and I suddenly felt scared looking at him...
Music I have never heard before started blasting in my mind...

Whimsical, dear, your lies are clear
Now who the hell would’ve ever guessed?
Play my games and abide my ways
There’s no way you can compensate 

"Maybe we should go to my house. Does that work for you?"

♥~To be continued~♥
(Sorry that that was horrible)

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