Chapter Three [The Big Day]

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It was now 5pm and Leo just now texted me back!
Leo: Hey sorry I wasn't answering I was sleep
Leo: I wasn't ignoring you Neequa
Me: It's 5pm why are you just now texting back.. ain't no damn way you sleep that long!"
Leo: First of all I actually do sleep that long but only if I don't have anything to do😭 Second of all it's only 2pm and third we are in 2 different timezones.
Me: So?
Leo: Soooo.. I'm in the west coast so I'm 3 hours behind y'all, so it's earlier over here.
Me: Ohhhhh I'm sorry😂 I was just accusing.. I promise you I'm not like that!
Leo: It's all good💓 Did I tell you when next week y'all are leaving?
Me: No
Leo: Well I booked the flight for Monday!
Me: Omg Leo it's Friday and I'm spending todsy and Saturday with my family so now I gotta pack last minute🤦🏽‍♀️
Leo: Sorry lol. It's alright I'll pick you guys up from the airport and drop y'all off at your hotel. You should be arriving at 1pm, so I'll be awake and there by 12:30.
Me: Sounds like a bet😊
Leo: Bet😊
I turned my phone off and we finished up our shopping and Uber'd back to my dorm. It was now 8:30pm and I was really tired cause we was moving around all day so I just took a shower, got in my PJ's and went to bed.. we have a big day tomorrow.
Today was the big day, the day we graduate move on with big accomplishments in our life! Me and my friends put on our dresses we picked up from the mall yesterday and did our hair and each others makeup. We all were professionals about this dress up shit cause we do it all the damn time. By the time we were done we was running late.. to our OWN graduation🤦🏽‍♀️. We grabbed our purses and left the house. When we arrived in the auditorium I seen soo many people with caps and gowns on and a lot of people's families. I seen my mom and dad in the back row and I see them talking to someone sitting next to them. It was a man, but I couldn't really make out who it was at the moment cause I was in a rush. I went to my assigned seat and the ceremony was getting started. My principal was on the stage giving a speech on how much we have grown over the last 4 years and how we were her favorite senior kids. It started to get really emotional and I really didn't want to cry because it would mess up my makeup. She finished her speech and began to call students up to the stage one by one. I would be the middle person called because my last name starts with an M. After about 20 people's names being called finally I was up.
"Up next we have Taneequa Miller" Principal Dean said while clapping and grabbing my diploma. Everyone cheered for me, I felt so proud of everything I have done for these past few years. I got up on stage and grabbed my diploma and shook hands with my principal and gave him a hug. He was one of my favorites cause he gave off good vibes and I went to him for everything. I stood on the stage for a little bit for pictures and then walked off the stage and went back to my seat. If your wondering why we didn't say speeches it's because we said them at the promotion ceremony the week before. After graduation was over I walked over to my parents and the man in the back. As I got closer I realized that the man was my brother! I haven't seen him in 6 years so I missed him so much. I started running towards him and I have him a huge hug.
"I missed you soo much Tay" I said squeezing him harder.
"I missed you too Neeq" he said hugging me back.
After I hugged him I hugged my parents and I haven't seen them in about 3 months- I visit them every holiday.
"I missed you guyss too" I said hugging both of them.
"We missed you too neenee" the said at the same time.
After our little reunion I started to get a little hungry.
"Okay now I'm hungry where should we eat?" I said.
"I made reservations at BBQ's in about 30 minutes." Tayvian said.
"Well why are we just standing here?! Lets go!" I said running outside.
They all laughed and followed behind me to Tay's car. I got in the passenger seat and my parents were in the back. We started to drive, which took about 25 minutes to get to the nearest BBQ's.
"Soo Neeq I've been waiting to talk to you about this.. you know since you graduated-" Tay said until I cut him off.
"If this is about the LA thing I've been thinking about it.. but I Just don't know if I want to move there right now" I said.
"Well that's fine but are you at least planning on visiting me sometime?"
"Actually... Me, Daii, and Tania are going to LA next week.."
"That's great! I'll pick y'all up from the airport and-"
"It's not because I'm visiting you though..."
He got quiet.
"Well it IS now but the thing is someone is flying us out and he already planned to pick us u-"
"Who's HE?"
I got quiet for a second.
"Taneequa.. who is HE?" He said with a more intense voice. I know he's serious when he says my full name instead of Neeq.
"Leo" I mumbled really low
"Whooo?!" He said raising his voice
"Leo" I said louder
"Who is Leo?"
"That's a good damn Question" my momma agreed and my parents stared at me.
"Well um.. he's this YouTuber who said he wanted to collab with me and my friends and he bought us tickets to LA and-"
"Do you know how dangerous that is?" My dad asked
"Yes dad I know but if you would watch their videos you would know their not capable of-"
"I wanna meet him.." Tay said
"Y-you what?"
"I WANT to meet him.. I'm leaving on Sunday, when are you coming?"
"On Monday- why?"
"Great I'll be at the airport too!"
"Tay it's not that serious! I can handle myself it's gonna be 3 of us and one of him. We'll be fin-"
"You don't know what he's capable of Neeq! Do you understand how dangerous this is?"
"Yeah I do but I'm always prepared"
"How old is this guy anyway?" My mom asked.
"H- He's.. 22"
"WHAT?!" They all screamed at the same time
"I'm gonna be 20 in a few months guys. Whats the huge deal?"
"I mean she IS right" my mom said agreeing
"The BIG DEAL is that he's 3 years older than you Neequa" My dad said.
"Dad I know but-"
"But nothing this is NOT safe for you at all" Tay said
"OKAY I think we can ALL agree that I am now a college graduate, and I can HANDLE MYSELF. So PLEASE stop treating me like a kid! I'm gonna be 20 in October, I don't need my overprotective older brother and my parents telling me what I can and CANT do!" I said getting aggravated.
Everyone in the car got silent.
"Your right we should trust you a little bit more" my mom said.
My dad and brother was still quiet.
"Do you guys trust me?" I asked them.
They still sat there quiet.
"DO YOU guys TRUST ME?" I asked and said it a little louder.

Oof a cliffhanger🤭 Haven't done those in a while. Anyway I really hope you guys enjoyed this chapter.. it took about an hour to type. And I need more votes on this book so if your reading vote please! New chapter will be up next weekend hopefully, maybe tomorrow but I have school so I don't know- but I'll keep y'all updated! Thanks for reading❤️

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