Chapter Three [Flew'd Out]

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"Y-yes, I trust you Neequa" my dad said trying to crack a smile.
My brother still drove with a serious face not even looking my direction.
"Tay? Do you trust me?" I asked.
"If I say yes would you stop asking me?" He replied.
"Well yeah but I want you to MEAN IT"
"Okay Neeq I'm trusting you to make the right decision"
"Thank you that's all I've wanted now lets enjoy this dinner celebrating me and not as a broken family I haven't seen y'all in a long time"
Everyone laughed and mocked what I was saying.
Soon we were at BBQ's and we had ordered our food and were waiting for a little while. In the meantime we were reminiscing, laughing and joking around while we waited.
*35 minutes later*
"So Neeq there's sum I needa tell you" Tay said.
"What-?" I asked.
The waitress then came to our table with all of our food which looked sooo delicious. Knowing me I like to take pictures of me and everyones food so that's exactly what I did..

 Knowing me I like to take pictures of me and everyones food so that's exactly what I did

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My food looked so delicious. After the picture we prayed to ourselves and then prayed as a family. "Thank you father god for letting my daughter get through 4 years of college and thank you for letting her get through it safely. Lord thank you for blessing my daughter with this gift of intelligence and letting her graduate on time. Father thank you for blessing us for this food and making us safe as well and for my sons safe travels here and back to LA. God is great god is good, Amen"
"Amen" we all repeated and we started to dig in to our food. As we are eating my phone is continuously blowing up, I think it's people liking my graduation photos. So I ignored the phone for now- right now its was about spending these next few days with my family. After we finished eating we got the check, paid for it, and then went back to my brothers car so I can go to my parents house. During the car ride I forgot that Tay had said he needed to tell me something so I brought it up.
I took out my phone pretending I was doing something to ease into the conversation.
"So Tay what did you need to tell me-" I said but I stopped and looked at my notifications blown tf up with likes and comments.
"Oh yeah so I wanted to tell you tha-"
"What the hell?" I screamed
"What" every said together.
"My Instagram likes and comments are blowing up right now and I don't know how"
I scrolled through my timeline and looked at stories but nothing had came up. I checked my tags and there I was on the "hall of prom" Instagram page. That's the most popular prom page that's on social media, how did I get on there? I showed everyone and they were very happy for me. We ended up at my parents house and I have old clothes there so I spent the night there until Monday morning.
Today was the dayyy me and my girls go to CALIIIII😩. I already had my stuff packed back at my dorm room so my parents had to drive me back to campus. About 30 minutes later we arrived.. but I really didn't want to leave my house parents. I was really going to miss them a lot.
"I promise as soon as I get back I will visit you guys" I said giving them kisses and hugs
"Okay Neenee we love you" my mom said.
"I love you guys too" I said as I grabbed my suitcase and went to a nearby curb to order an uber to take me to the airport. I texted my friends and they said they were already at the airport. Damn.. impatient asses🙄. My uber arrived about 5 minutes later and I rode to the airport. In the meantime me and Leo was texting each other the whole ride there playing 21 questions and other stuff. About 30 minutes later I arrived at JFK airport and I already seen my friends there waving at me. I met up with then and then we went inside the airport to our gate. It was only 10am and our flight was at 11am so we went to McDonald's to grab something to eat. We walked into McDonald's and we ordered our food, while I was waiting I got a text from my brother.
Tay🤙🏾💜: What time should you be landing?
Me: Around 1pm.. why?
Tay🤙🏾💜: Nothing just asking have a safe flight Neeq❣️
I didn't even answer I just turned my phone iff and questioned myself. Why the hell do he wanna know what time I land for? I brushed it off and I heard my order number being called. As soon as we all got our food we sat down an talked for a longgg time. Talking about the vibes with us and Juneboys mixed would be fire, and the things we were gonna do when we got out there. We ended up talking for so long that when I checked my phone is was 11:01am.
"OH SHIT! We gotta go board the plane it's 11:01!" I screamed.
We rushed and threw our trash away and grabbed our suitcases and started to run towards our gate. Thankfully they didn't leave yet, so we put our suitcases with the other suitcases and boarded the plane. I took my airpods out and put them in my ears because I didn't like being bothered on flights like this. It was a 3 hour flight so we had a lot of time on our hands.
*3 hours later*
I hear my Chris Brown playlist end and I woke up and overheard the woman on the speaker say that we were landing. I start gather all my stuff together as the plane began to land. Afterwards me and my friends got off the plane and we waited for our suitcases at the luggage trolly. Finally after 3 minutes we seen our luggage and we grabbed it and rolled out of our gate area. I texted Leo:
Me: Hey we're here🙂
Leo: I'm outside waiting. Look for a red i8
Me: An i8 Leo... how the hell we gonna fit in the car it's 3 of us!
Leo: Someone's gonna have sit on somebody's lap😬
Me: Okay my friends can sit on each other's lap but that still leaves me-
Leo: We can work something out😏 Just come outside tho!
Me: ight we coming
I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket.
"Leo said he's outside and said to look for a red i8" I informed my friends.
"How the hell we gonna fit-" Daii asked but stopped.
"I don't even fucking know I asked him the same thing" I said hitting my forehead.
We rolled our eyes and walked outside the airport.
"Oh my goodness this weather is good asf" Tania said.
Me and Daii agreed.
I looked around for an i8 and I seen a few but they weren't red. I looked around some more and I see Leo standing next to his car waving at us.
"There he is" I said pointing.
We started walking until I see someone similar sitting on their car but he's making out with some girl. I get closer and realized it was my brother, why was he here?!
"Tay?!" I screamed at him
He stopped making out with the girl startled.
"Ohh hey Neeq!" He said.
"What are you doing here?"
"I'm here to pick you up" he said laughing.
"I'm not laughing with you so stop acting like this is a damn joke.. I told you I don't want nobody picking me up, so I repeat.. WHY ARE YOU HERE?"
"Ight just get in the car"
"No nigga"
"Taneequa get in the car!"
I knew he was serious🙄
I looked at Leo and my friends just standing near his car watching this happen. I gave them the signal that they can go ahead and told them I'll meet them there and send me the address. I put my suitcase in the trunk as Tay and the girl got in the front seats. It was a very silent drive and I was just on my phone texting the whole time.
"So um Neeq this is Kayla- my girlfriend.." Tay said.
I stayed quiet, I really didn't care at the moment.
Leo sent me the address to Hollywood Boulevard.
"Put this in your GPS" I said showing him my phone for the address.
"Look Neeq I did this for your safety" he said.
"Did you put it in the GPS?" I asked ignoring him.
He sucked his teeth and put it into his GPS and drove to Hollywood. When we arrived I grabbed my suitcase in the trunk from the backseat and got out the car and slammed the door. I started to head towards the sneaker store that Leo said he was in. I was really mad at my brother and at this point I didn't really care about his girlfriend or anything else. I came here to have a good time, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do!PERIODTT🤪

I'm gonna end the chapter right here just because I need to think more. I don't wanna get writers block so it's best if I don't overtype it you feel me? But I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter and don't forget to vote❤️

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