Part 25

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Lauren's POV

"Matt!" I scream

"Lo!" Matt says

"I'm so happy you're here!" I say. "Now that you and Jackie are here I feel sane again"

"Lo." He says concerned

"What?" I say

"...Talk to me about this movie. I know it's about Y/n and I know it's full of shit" he says

"Oh yeah, almost forgot you've known me since high school" I laugh

"You two were my best friends in high school so I know she didn't do shit!" He laughs. "Does Jackie know?"

"No!" I laugh. "When I met her Y/n was out of my life and Jackie hates this ex, if she finds out its y/n all hell will break"

"Lo just tell me why you did this, I just talked to Y/n and she was pretty hurt as confused" he says

"Because I'm a petty stupid bitch. I made a mistake and I can't get out of it" I frown

"What did she do? I remember when you guys broke up, it was devastating" he says

"She ditched me and I was gonna propose" I say

"Oh shit" he says

"Yeah and all these years I thought it was because she was cheating on me and didn't give a shit but, she has a whole part of her I know nothing about" I say

"And you made this movie to get some kind of revenge?" He asks

"Yeah" I say

"Oh Lo" he says

"Mattttt" I whine

"You're insane Jauregui" he laughs

"Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" I ask

"I don't know babe" he says. "She's pretty pissed"

"Great" I say

"I was pissed too, the only reason I'm talking to you still is because she defended your ass" he says

"She did?" I say

"Yeah, she wouldn't tell me exactly what you did but she said she understood why you did it" he says

"Of course she did, she's perfect" I say

"What?" He says

"Nothing she just, she always put my feelings about hers, even now" I say

"It's still weird not seeing everyone together and you two conjoined at the hip" he says

"Yeah I miss it" I say

"All of us together or her?" He asks

"...Both" I say

"Lauren nooo" he laughs. "That girl is never gonna take you back after this"

5 Years Later • (Lauren/You)Where stories live. Discover now