Loki Joins The Avengers

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PeterParker- Spidey
TonyStark- I am Iron Man
NatashaRomanoff- Black Widow
StephenStrange- Doctor Strange
ThorOdinsin- God of Hammers
Rocket- Not a Rabbit
LokiOdinsin- Prince of Asgard
PeterQuill- Star Lord

Spidey: We did it guys! And somehow none of us died 😄

I am Iron Man: I feel like I did

Black Widow: Same though. Is this real life? 🤔

Doctor Strange: No, it's the aether realm

Black Widow: Wait really? 😮

Doctor Strange:  🤨🤦‍♂️

God of Hammers: Are you all forgetting something? My brother IS STILL DEAD 😠

Not a Rabbit: Yea, that's rough

Prince of Asgard: No brother, I am right here. 😝

Not a Rabbit: oh boy, here we go.

God of Hammers:Loki?!? Bu-but how?

Prince of Asgard: I'm not quiet sure either because I do remember dying and then I was brought to life mysteriously 🤔

Doctor Strange: How is that remotely possible?

Prince of Asgard: You tell me wizard😂😂😂

God of Hammers: Well brother, I am truly happy that you are alive and okay 😄

Prince of Asgard: Alive? Yes. Okay? No, not really im stuck in space with no ship. I'm probs gonna die 😱

God of Hammers: BROTHER NO😟😧

I am Iron Man: We can always get Cap to get you. Oh, she's  not even in this chat yet.

-Carole has joined the chat-

Spidey: Oh hey!

Carole: Hey, sorry I am busy right now. But I will talk to everyone soon 😋

God of Hammers: WAIT. My brother is-

Carole: Why would I save a vicious thing like that? 🤔

Prince of Asgard: Oh c'mon now, that's a bit harsh isn't it? 😐

Carole: Is it? Does everyone just forget what you did in New York? How you killed billions upon billions, but nooooo. If Thor says it's okay, your fine. I don't buy into that crap. 🙄🙄

God of Hammers: Please, he's the only family I have. He may have done terrible things in the past but I truly believe that my old brother is back. Would you please help him? ☺🙂

Carole: 👀 fine. I'll go save him  then 😒

Spidey: This chat was so serious all of a sudden.🤔

I am Iron Man: Yea kid, that's what your gonna get sometimes. Also what did you mean by old brother Thor. Wasn't Loki always deranged? 🤣🤣🤣

Prince of Asgard: I beg your pardon. I was not. Imagine your father feeding you lies since you were a child but never once even looking at you. Imagine being caught by a big alien and him telling you everything will be okay while he continued to burn you. Imagine him then sending you to Earth but he doesnt trust you enough so he mind controlls you. So sorry if I'm not all coropotive.

God of Hammers: Loki, is that all true? Why did you never tell me about the torture?

Prince of Asgard: Oh please brother, would it have matter to you? You would have still treated me same.😒

God of Hammers: Brother... never. I thought the world of you Loki. You were one of the people I admired the most more than anything and when I heard about you attack earth. It... broke my heart.

*Loki is brought to Earth and Thor runs to hug him*

Spidey: Man, family squabbles are a mess😞

I am Iron Man: You are right in that kid. But with that being said... LOKI!

Prince of Asgard: What is it Stark?

I am Iron Man: How would you like to join the avengers? As far as Thor has told us, you were the bravest one out of us all. It would be nice to not fight you for once.

Star Lord: Hey! How come I was never invited but some guy with horns was?

Not a Rabbit: Quill you idiot. It's cause we already are apart of them 🤦‍♂️

Star Lord: Oh... well.. what do you know huh? 🤭☺

Prince of Asgard: I... appreciate the offer but how do you know I won't want world domination again? 🤔

I am Iron Man: Cause you never did
God of Hammers: Cause you never did

I am Iron Man: All you wanted was people to notice you and they have.And plus yes, I can understand how it feels for your father to never look at you. But in the end, they are your father and they are meant to be hard on you so you don't grow up like them. That's there biggest fear.

God of Hammers: Plus what's the point in world domination when you can rule beside me? 🥰

Prince of Asgard: Wait really brother? I could never...

God of Hammers: Loki stop doubting yourself. Your so much more greater  then what Thanos used you for. You can help so much people with your powers. 🥰💞😊

Doctor Strange: He's right you know.

Prince of Asgard: Well... Alright then. You make a fair point Stark and I don't want to let my brother down again. 🥰

I am Iron Man: Yes! Oh, by the way Strange. I thought you said there was only one outcome 🤔

Doctor Strange: And how do you know this isn't it? 🤔

I am Iron Man: Well... when Thanos died. You looked really surprised. It's like half of us weren't suppose to make it. 😱

Doctor Strange: Well...  I guess it a okay to tell you now... And you are correct Tony. Three of you weren't suppose to make it...

Black Widow: Well, who was it?

Doctor Strange: 🤨

Doctor Strange: It was... Natasha and you Tony. Oh and I guess Steve cause he teleport back in time and then come back old.

I am Iron Man:  Wow. I never even thought it was possible for me to die. And I don't mean cause I'm immortal. I just never considered it.

Doctor Strange: Trust me. It was the death you deserved. Out like a hero 😊

Authors Note:

Sorry that this first chapter is really heavy on Loki but I felt like he needed most build up and reason to be let into the Avengers.

And fun fact, All of that Loki stuff was confirmed about Marvel, well not really the torture that's a fan theory but it's pretty accurate imo

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