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          Izuku got to his apartment. Miss Kaenbyou was sweeping at the front of the building. He greeted her and went to his apartment. He unlocked the door and quickly grabbed his laptop.

          One plan foiled, now to find out what to do next. He quickly looked for the file he was looking for. He found it. The Next attack plan was on USJ. "Hm? Unforeseen Simulation Joint?'s gonna happen in a few days. Friday."

          Izuku took a quick look into the details of the plan. "Hmm...Nomu 328? Their gonna use it? What is it anyways?" Izuku closed the file and looked for the specific file that could hold information on Nomu 328. "Found it.'s an amalgamation if a strengthening quirk, shock absorption, and regeneration?"

          Izuku tapped on his forehead thinking. "Hmm...sounds like a challenge. Shock Absorption. Not Nullification so it has to have a limit. I guess that I have to go buy a couple more toys. Regeneration? I'll have to go training then. I have to train my quirk then."

          Izuku was getting stressed out. This plan was way too elaborate. But he had to keep up. He would never forgive himself if he failed. He grabbed a notebook and made a to do list.

My To Do List
•Buy Supplies
•Train Quirk
•Find more intel on the plan
•Don't Fail

          There. A Simple To Do list with a not so simple plan of that execution.  He sighed. He took his credit card and changed his clothes to more casual ones. A simple plaid polo with jeans and red shoes. He combed his hair a little. He hid his mask in a small bag.

          He kept his credit card in his wallet. He didn't worry about pick pockets since his quirk was more than enough to deal with them. He then left his apartment and locked the door.

          He left the building and headed to the Black Market. He walked all the way there and avoided contact with any Pro Heroes or Police. He walked down a flight of stairs and knocked.

          A small peek hole opened and heard someone from the other side. "Password." It demanded. Izuku put his Mask on and said. "Jizo." The Man understood and opened the door for him.

          He entered a room that was filled to the brim with weapons of a variety. He went to a man in a trench coat and said. "Greetings." The man looked at him and scowled playfully. "To what do I owe this honor, Jizo. Or should I say, Midoriya Izuku."

          Izuku remained calm and took of his mask. He glared at the man and simply said. "I'm not here to play around. I'm in need of a couple of toys."

          The man understood and asked. "What do you need?" Izuku simply smiled and said. "Your finest set of Throwing Needles and your best Katana's. One Hihg building sword and one Plain building sword."

          The man laughed and said. "For a Fifteen year old, you sure know your business." Izuku smiles at him with a manic gleam in his eyes. "And this Fifteen year old is one of the most infamous Vigilante's known to this day."

          The other man chuckled. "Touché. Now as for your requests? Here." The Man walked over to a shelf and took a small case. He blew the dust off of it and opened it. It was filled with Newly forged Throwing Needles.

          He gave Izuku one and he scanned it. "Huh. Fine Metal. Very light and extremely sharp. I gotta say, you never fail to impress me." He complimented.

          The Man stayed quiet and took back the needle. He put it back with the rest and handed it over to him. "Now for the Katana's? Their right here." He walked over to a different shelf and pulled out a long katana with a flower on the sheath and a seal.

          He went to another shelf and reached for another Katana. It was shorten than the other but this one has engravings on the sheath. He grabbed a belt that was meant to hold two katana's and handed them to Izuku. Izuku unsheathes The High Building sword and touched the blade.

          "Whoever forged this sure knew what they were doing." Izuku said. He put on the belt and hung the two katana's on it. "I gave you what you needed. It all costs ¥750,000 in total. I accept credit card too."

          The Man held out a machine that could be used for debit cards. Izuku pulled out his credit card and swiped it on the machine. He typed in the passcode and deposited the exact amount. "Huh. For a kid who lives alone, you sure have a lot of cash."

          Izuku just shrugged and said. "I took the funds of the League of Villains and transferred them to my credit card." He explained. The Man nodded. "Well then. If you ever need some weapons you can always come back."

          Izuku faced him And Said. "I know, and I will." Then he left the room and used his quirk to get all the way back to his room. It was a long journey. But it was worth it. He was going to study Kenjutsu and was gonna have to train his quirk if he wanted to succeed against the League of Villains.

          He quickly went to the roof, carrying his equipment. He has a training dummy up there that automatically repaired itself. He had a book on Kenjutsu that he borrowed from the library. H eauickly scanned through it.

          Once he was done he put the book down and unsheathed his newly purchased swords.

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