Training Class 1A

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Izuku smiled sweetly at Class 1A which unnerved most of them. "Now, that that's out of the way, I have another announcement. Problem Child, go to the seat behind Bakugou over there."

Izuku glared at him and it turned into a manic smile. "Do you wanna die?" Izuku said, pointing his knife towards Eraserhead. The Students tensed. Eraserhead grunted and grabbed Izuku's arms and tried to flip him.

It all backfired when Izuku flipped him. He threw him to the ground and pointed the knife at his neck. "Huh. You sure have adept reflexes. Your Mind Reading is very useful as well. Nezu was right to let you into the Hero Course."

Izuku smiled sweetly and put his knife to his bag and went to his seat. "Alright then. The UA Sports Festival will take place next next week." Everyone cheered at this but Iida raises his hand.

"Aizawa! But what if the villains attack is again?" He asked. Eraserhead grunted and looked at Izuku. "Problem Child, can you answer that question?"

Izuku glared at him again but he sighed. He grabbed his laptop from his bag and looked for the file. "Here. Take a look at this." Izuku said and handed the laptop to Iida.

"None of you guys are supposed to read that. It's confidential information." He said. They all crowded around it. "This is!" Iida exclaimed. "The League of Villains plans." Yaoyorozu finished for him.

They all looked at him. "How did you get this?" They all asked him. "Hah! The League of Villains is supposedly an organization. But their things are barely organized. There wasn't even a security system when I got that." Izuku said, amused.

Iida closed the laptop. He handed it to Izuku. "Oh! I almost forgot! Izuku said and went to the front of the class. "That information stays between the faculty and us so if i find out that you guys let loose even an ounce of information."

He held out a knife and looked at the Class with an insane gleam in his eyes. "I'll make sure you never see the light of day again." Everybody shuddered at this. "Good. It seems you all agree. And Eraserhead, can we go out? I'm gonna start training them for the Sports Festival."

Eraserhead grinned manically. "Go ahead. Train them as much as you want. Their barely able to fight off actual villains so what more if they fight other students?" Izuku smiled.

Eraserhead went to his sleeping bag and slept. "Now then! Meet me at the courtyard after you change into your gym uniforms."

At the Courtyard

Izuku was in his vigilante suit. He was waiting for the Students to arrive. "We're here!" He heard the Class Rep say. He turned around and greeted Class 1A. "Lovely. Now we're gonna start train your quirk, seeing how you guys barely did any damage against me, I will put you through such a grueling training that you'll wish you were never born."

Everybody shuddered at this. "Now then let me give you all a short description of my quirk. My quirk is called Subconscious. It sprouts these appendages all over my body and gives me the ability to read minds."

Everybody nodded. "Now for this training, your task is simple. Defeat me." Izuku said and prepared to fight. Everybody prepared their quirks and charged towards him.

One Beatdown later

"How disappointing. I really thought that you guys could do better." Izuku said as all of Class 1A wee on the ground, heavily injured. "It's not fair! You've had much more experience than we did." Ashido complained.

"That is true. But I was like you guys at first. Always getting beaten up by those who were stronger than me. Wouldn't you agree, Bakugou?" Izuku said and glared at him.

"Oh well. It's lunch break now. So you can go head to the cafeteria." They all sighed in relief. And headed to the cafeteria except for Katsuki. "What are you waiting for? Run along now. Don't wanna be late do you?"

          "What happened to you Deku?" Izuku stopped and glared at him. "Hmm, are you dense?" Izuku said. Katsuki was about to step closer but Izuku threw a Throwing Needle at him. It nicked his Cheeks.

          "I missed. I was aiming for your eye but I suppose that I should start training my Throwing skills." Izuku said and headed towards the cafeteria.

At The Cafeteria

          Izuku was eating some Rice Balls while writing on his Nightmare Diary. "Hmm...Kaminari relies on electricity. A generator would do him some good. Meanwhile Yaoyorozu and Sato requires food and sugar to use their quirks..."

          Izuku was thinking of ways to improve Class 1A when he felt a mind approaching him with the intent of talking to him. "What is it Uraraka?" He said nonchalantly. "Um, you looked kinda lonely so maybe I could give you some company?"

          Izuku stared at her. "Humph. You don't seem to be lying so very well." Izuku said and he gestured for the chair opposite of him. She quickly sat down and said. "So, you're the Vigilante Jizo?"

          Izuku looked at her and said. "Yes, why do you ask?" Uraraka replies. "Well, you were all over the news last night. And why are you here in UA?" Izuku replied immediately. "Nezu and I made a deal. In exchange for Info on the League of Villains, I will be a student in UA."

          Uraraka nodded. "Ah! There you are Uraraka! And Midoriya! I have to commend you on your fighting skills." Iida said to them. He sat besides Midoriya. Midoriya didn't mind and just ate his rice balls.

          "So what's that? Nightmare Diary #276?" Iida asked. Izuku handed it to him and he read it. " a book of everything you see in a person's mind?"

          Izuku nodded. "Yep. This is my only way of coping. Because if I don't, I'd probably be a villain instead of a vigilante."

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