The Soapy Shower Song [2/3] [ғʟᴜғғ]

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First time writing smut! This is gonna be cringe over 3000 I promise. I'll have tons of fluff at the beginning and end so ya'll can skip the smut if you want.
Welp. I'm gonna write this and die.

Enjoy 💕

Update: I just finished the chapter and spoiler: there's no smut. And it's actually going to be split in two, because other wise it would be like 5000 words long. Enjoy you nerds (or Losers or geeks or whatever)


~Jeremy's P.O.V~

Two nights ago, Micheal took me on our first date to the all day karaoke bar. We belted out off key versions of "What Is This Feeling?" and "Seventeen".
Since then we have been texting each other non stop.

I told him about my family, and my beautiful coming out story, and how we need to keep dueting in the shower.

Now I'm sitting at home in my living room, mindlessly watching The Office. And I'm totally not thinking of Micheal.
I'm not thinking of the way he pulled me into the small bar platform, or the confidence he had when he introduced me to the non-existent crowd. I'm also not thinking about the way he eased me into our first duet, as I gradually gained confidence.
Or when i went bathroom, and came back to him beautifully belting Share Your Address by Ben Platt. But wow. He shredded every single note.

My phone buzzes just under my ass, snapping me from my trance.

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: Jeremy my buddy how's it hanging?

JeremyQueere; I have never been more bored in my life

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: wow prove it

I throw back my head and groan as loud as I can. The way that our apartments are laid out, the bathrooms and living rooms are sharing a wall. So if Micheals in his living room right now, he defiantly heard me.

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: daaaang that sounded very seductive

JeremyQueere: what better way to play hard to get then seducing you though a wall

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: and seduced I am

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: anyways, you up for doing something tonight?

JeremyQueere: wat u thinking?

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: weeeellll I was thinking of going of going on a highly super romantic picnic in this beautiful little spot I know, maybe hitting another karaoke spot since that's our thing, and then we can go back to my place afterwards?

JeremyQueere; wow you've really been planning this huh

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: well I mean I'm a hopeless romantic anyways and I have a soft spot for your anyways

JeremyQueere: I'm flattered

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: so u in?

JeremyQueere: oh completely

JeremyQueere; any particular dress code?

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: just look cute. As always ;)

JeremyQueere: wow you flirt

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: I'll pick you up at 7?

JeremyQueere; I have no life so that works for me

Mell-ionThingsIHaventDone: can't wait <3

There's no words for this emotion. Is sort of like uwu meets squeeeeeee. This dude is so unbelievably fucking cute. I can't even with him.
Oh shit. It's 6:30. I should probably get ready.

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