Chapter 1

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"GET OUT NOW!" Tae yelled.
"...Please don't do this...I love you.." I said. Tae pushed passed me so hard I was almost knocked off my feet. He opened the door, it almost broke. "Get the HELL OUT!" The tears blurred my vision and I couldn't see straight, "Ple-" "Jimin I swear to god get out!" I wiped the tears as they started falling, while I ran for the front door.

I jolted awake breathing heavily. I realized I was in Tae's arms. My shirt was on the ground and I was in his hoodie. He must have put me in it when I fell asleep.

I must have jumped to much because I woke up Tae too. "Hey what's wrong?" He asked with his sleepy voice. Oh god that voice, it was the best sound I've ever heard. "Nothing, just a dream."

"Oh, it's not like it was real." He said pulling the hoodie. He wanted me to lay back down. "It's cold, lay back down." I did as he asked.

In just a second, I felt his arm go back around my waist and him get closer. This was normal for us, but why did it make my heart jump 10 feet away all of a sudden. We've always done this, we were best friends. I guess that was my problem, we were 'just' friends.

~Flash Back~

"Shh you need to be quiet. There are others in this hotel you know." I said. The band was on tour and me and Tae shared a room, it was the last night there so we all got drunk, more Tae than anyone.

"What are you talking about? I am quiet!" He yelled. I just laughed. He walked towards the bed but tripped and fell on it. I tried to help him, well more like kicked him but he didn't move. "Get up!" I said giggling. He didn't move. "Tae seriously, you'll suffocate yourself!" I said, now serious. But still no movement. "Tae?" I asked. I got on the bed and sat on my knees trying to at least flip him over. But before I could even get a grip. He grabbed my hand and flung me forward. He was now on top of me.

"Tae!" I said laughing. "Get off you big teddy bear." He just looked into my eyes, not moving or saying anything. "Tae?" I became serious again. "I thought you wanted quiet?" He said smiling. "I just started laughing hysterically. "You.. know how..i get..when...I'm..drunk!" I said through my breaths. "I can never shut up!"

Tae who was still on top of me, holding my arms. "I bet i can make you quiet."

"Oh please tr-" Before I could continue  his lips crashed into mine. He was so soft, I never expected him to do this. With every second passing, he got more passionate with each kiss. I knew it wasn't right but, we were so drunk I knew we wouldn't remember.

When he pulled away allowing me to catch my breathe, I leaned forward and kisses him back. His grip loosened and I broke free, sitting up still in contact with him.

~Now in Reality~

Nothing happened the rest of the night, we just kissed that was it. But the next morning I remembered, we never said anything, we stayed the same. Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if....nevermind.

I looked over at him, sleeping like a baby. His head rested on my chest, closer to my shoulder with his bright red hair. He looked so cute. His arm was wrapped across my waist, and he had one leg over mine.

I tried to roll over to look at the clock but he grip tightened. I giggled silently. I was barely able to reach my phone, it was 3:18 am. Way to early to be awake. Everyone had plans to go out today, it was the last weekend we would be in New York, our tour was coming to an end this year. Me and Tae planned to stay here in our room and sleep all day.

Before I realized, i was asleep snuggling Tae's head. He was taller than me but somehow always ended up on my chest.

~A few hours later~

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