Chapter 4

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-So baby..are you ready?

-Ready for what?

-For my suprise...I am talking for it the past five minutes..werent you hearing me?
-Ohh yeah yeah..I am sorry..I just have my mind in all the choreographies and all these.

-Oh okay baby..I understand..Hope you will like my suprise anyways -Lucas..what are you planning?

-You will see...soon

I should be excited and happy for his suprise..But for some reason I am not. I feel so bad cause he is such a good guy and I just kissed Marcus.

-Emm Lucas I have to tell you something

-Of course..tell me whatever you want need to tell you that I...I..

That moment Marcus enters the room. There is a eyecontact between us and my phone almost fell from my hand.

He seemed a bit agry and he wanted to tell me something. I quickly said to Lucas that someone is calling me and ended the call, still having eyecontact with Marcus.

He closed the door behind him and started coming to me slowly while talking.

-Did he tell you how much he loves you?


-Did he tell you how much he miss you?

-Why are you asking?

-Did he tell you how much he wants to kiss you?


He comes closer and closer till his body reached mine. His face was so close to mine so I could feel his hot breath. I had to struggle to take a breath. My hands were sweaty. But he kept asking me.

-Did he tell you that he miss your perfume?


-Did he tell you that he doesnt want to do anything else than be with you?


-Did he tell you how much precious you are?


-Did he tell you that he miss your body next to his?


-Does he makes you feel like this?

He says and I dont understand till he moves his lips to my neck and start kissing it.

My eyes automatically closed from the feeling of his soft lips against me and I placed my hands on his shoulders. He started bitting and sucking that part and I wrapped his hoodie around my fingers.

After some seconds his lips left from my neck and I opened my eyes to find his. These light brown eyes that other times are unexpressed but now are so warm. I take a deep breath and I am about to talk when he stops me again asking me

-Do you love him Kamelia?


-Answer to my question

-I..I really dont know. I am just so confused. When I was in Spain everything was different...but now..and you..

I try to explain but I cant. My mind cant put the word in the right order and he doesnt helping me by being so close to me.

-And me what?

-Nothing...forget what I said

We hear noise and Marcus goes five steps away from me. The door opens and I quickly hide with my hair the mark that he left on my neck.

He saw that and he smiled. Can we all take a moment and laugh with all this situation between us? Earlier this morning we were shouting at each other and now we are like this. Anyways... Marte with everybody else come in the room and she smiles at me.

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