Chapter 24

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Marcus' Pov

I close the door and I let the sushi on the table that it is exactly in front of the couch.

Thank god I didn't let Kamelia come and take the sushi cause ,as I had already guessed, it was a man who brought it.

I go upstairs again, to put on some clothes. I find Kamelia in our bedroom, actually in my bedroom but I feel like she lives with me since forever. She has a pair of my white big socks and she is wearing a oversized hoodie which is mine too.

-Seems like you really like my clothes

I say and I try to keep a straight face and not laugh. She looks at me but she knows me too good to believe that I am mad at her. I love it when she wears something from me and I think that she has undertood it.

She comes a bit closer.

-I have to admit that your clothes are really comfortable but...what I love the most is...your boxers

She push her, I mean my, hoodie up so I can see my white Calvin Klein around her.

-Wow...this went too far

I say and I giggle. My hands immediately go to her hips.

-How do you always manage to drive me crazy?


she says and licks a bit my cheek. I make a fake disgusting face and she shows me her tongue playfully. I move my head fast and some drops of water from my wet hair go to her face.

I smile, and with a smirk on my lips I say

-Seems like I always make you wet

She gives me a soft punch on my stomach and we are laughing together.

-Just dress up and come downstairs...I am hungry as fuck

she says and exit the room.

Kamelia's Pov

The sun light gets into the room from the big window, but this is not what made me wake up.

I can hear Marcus voice from downstairs singing. I am only on my underwear, but it is a bit cold so I wrapp the sins around my body and slowly get down. I see him singing in front of his phone a really old song. I don't even know which song this is.

He understands me and turns his face to me. He sings one more sentence and ends the video.

I go closer to him, making sure that the sin is not touching the floor.

I taste his lips for a while and then wisper


He smiles and shows me to go and sit at the table and I notice that the table is full of food. He has made us some omelete, toasts and he has cut some fruits for us. He has also a glass of juice and a coffee.

I am pretty surprised cause today is a really anxious day and in some hours we have to be in the airport.

-Sorry if I made any noise while making these...

-You didn't need to make all should rest more

-I am okay and I can sleep on the airplane too. And I did everything to make sure that you are ready for today..It is a big day

-Aaaw thank u baby. I know it is an important day but calm down. We don't have any concert today. Just traveling.

-Hmm..yes. Maybe something more too.

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