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"You can't leave me alone, remember?" I reminded Todd and Zane for the tenth time on the way to school. "If I'm alone, he will get into my head. He will convince me to talk to him, and I love him so I'll forgive him, and he will never have to pay for his actions. That can't happen. You can't leave me alone."

"We won't," Zane reassured me. "I honestly don't think David will talk to you though. He stopped showing up to your house, yeah?"

"Because he knew no one was answering the door for him. I can't really duck and cover if we have a class together," I replied. "And have you met David? He's fucking insane. He will probably drag me into a room and tie me up to get me to listen to him."

"Kinky," Zane muttered under his breath, pulling the car to a halt in a parking space near the entrance. I slapped him on the arm, to which he only laughed, "Kidding. Get your game face ready, Mona."

"If they see you slip, they will crucify you," Todd reminded me from the backseat, and I nodded, taking in a much needed deep breath. "Don't worry, Lisa. We've got your back."

I slid my fingers through the door handle and stepped out, making sure to hike up my skirt a little higher than usual. I had exchanged my Mary Janes for some short, but still there heels. My top few buttons were undone on my shirt, and my brand new bombshell bra was pushing the girls up to my chin. If Kristen McAtee thought I looked like a pornstar on my first day of junior year, she'd go straight to corner worker if she saw me now. That was the goal. I wanted to look so fucking hot that it seemed unreasonable that I'd be anything but a sex worker.

"Good?" I glanced down at myself one time, then looked to the boys for approval.

"Even I'd fuck you," Zane nodded his head. It was the ultimate compliment, and it boosted my confidence tenfold.

"Great. Let's go," I twisted on my heel, leaving the boys to follow behind me as we made our way into Abernathy. This is the scene where Bad Reputation by Joan Jett would play if this were a movie. Sadly, it was my real life, and I had to sing the song in my head to give me the confidence to walk the halls without looking down at the ground. It didn't have exactly the same effect, but at least I could look Corinna up and down on my way to math without crying. It was a start.

My first class was easy. People stared and whispered, but I had both Zane and Todd to surround me. Alex and Kristen were both in this class, but they never said anything to us. I was pretty sure that when the friend groups dissolved before summer, all loyalty drifted. I didn't even know if Alex was still friends with David, or Kristen with Liza and Heath. I didn't care either.

Second period was when things started going downhill. The only friend I had was Todd, which left an empty seat to the left of me that David Dobrik happily took, because why wouldn't Satan himself harass me instead of just leaving me alone?

"Mona," David said as soon as he sat down. I had to say, his appearance made me feel a bit better about myself. His hair was always messy, but I had never seen the circles around his eyes so dark and his face so sunken in. He looked like a corpse, but... a pretty corpse. He could've been Twitter's white boy of the month. I had to look away before he made me cry. "You look really pretty today."

It was something about the fact that that was the first thing he said to me that ticked me off. Of course, I didn't expect him to air his dirty laundry in the middle of our english class, but the fact that the boy had the audacity to call me pretty at a time like this was too much.

I turned to stare at him, a confused look on my face, and replied, "Obviously."

With that, I turned my entire body towards Todd and prepared for the rest of the day going the exact same way. It basically did.

Corinna tried to flag me down in the hallway, but Todd wrapped a protective arm over my shoulders, and with both of our harsh stares, she backed off.

The one thing I never considered was that David would follow me to the bathroom in one of my classes. I should've expected it, with the way he whipped his head around when our science teacher called on me, but I didn't. When the bathroom door opened while I was checking myself out in the mirror, I expected anyone but David.

"Mona," he clicked the lock on the door and stood in front of it so I couldn't escape. I had to hand it to him; he was smart. There was nowhere to run. This was exactly the situation I wanted to avoid. "You know I love you."

"Yeah," I nodded, staring at myself in the mirror so I wouldn't have to look at him. "Get in line."

"I was first in line," David replied. I was scared he was going to approach me, but I think he realized I could make a great escape if he left the door unoccupied. He stayed put. "I'm so fucking sorry for everything I've done to you. If I could take it all back, I would. I never meant to hurt you."

"You either meant to, or you didn't give a fuck if you did or not. Both are not ideal. Can you leave me alone?"


"You don't get to call me sweetheart and expect everything to be better," I turned to face him. "You possibly cheated on me, and then didn't want to look like a pussy in front of everyone, so you told me that you hated me just like my dad did. In what world do you think you could possibly come back from that?"

"I apologized..." he trailed off, and I rolled my eyes.

"Cool. I don't accept it. Can you leave me alone?" I repeated, a bit more forcefully. I raised in eyebrows in mock interest for his response.

"So what? You're going to date Todd to get a rise out of me? That's pretty ruthless, Mona," he snapped, and I almost laughed. I had never told anyone that me and Todd were dating, but if that's what he believed, I wasn't going to say anything.

"Or I'm dating him because he was the only person who was there for me when my life literally fell apart around me," I answered, taking a step forward so we were truly face to face. I added with a sick smirk, "and he has a bigger dick than you."

My eyes trailed down to his crotch, then back up to his face with a sickly sweet smile. While he was wounded, I pushed him out of the way and made my escape.

If anything would hurt him, it was knowing I had fucked someone else. David had always prided himself on being my first, and it would sting to know he wasn't my last... even if that wasn't completely true.

Oh well.

In honor of olivia brower aka monas first time in sports illustrated swimsuit edition!!! Which is out today!!!! Everyone go buy and support our sexy ass girlfriend xoxo abby

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