twenty nine

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Spoiler alert: David and I broke up our sophomore year of college. It came to the point where we were forcing ourselves to spend time together, despite our busy schedules, and our grades were taking a toll because of it. Not only that, but we were growing apart day by day. It seemed fitting that we break up. It was mutual, and though I cried about it every single night for almost a year, I couldn't really be too upset. We both saw it coming. We couldn't keep up.

In the remaining two years we had to see each other, I had to hate him, because loving him was too hard. I would never move on if his big brown eyes still made my heart flutter, so I had to hate him. David accepted that I didn't want to be friends, and besides a few glances that lasted a little bit too long, we stayed out of each other's way. We moved on.

I was 24 and living in Houston when I returned to Vernon Hills. It was Christmas time, and I had taken two weeks off to spend it with my grandma, who I knew was having a hard time being alone after my grandpa died of a heart attack. It was really the least I could do, staying with her. She had taken me in in my time of need and dealt with all of my teenage angst bullshit. She needed me, and I came.

It was very hard to be back in Vernon Hills. The town was tainted with David and our memories, and even though I tried to tell myself I was over it, I really, really wasn't. I probably never would be. It was a fact I had accepted, and although I had dated around, I never found anyone that warmed my heart quite like David did.

I was at the grocery store buying cookie dough when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around and gasped, instantly recognizing the curly red hair and the benevolent smile. "Emily, holy shit."

"I thought that was you," she wrapped me in a tight hug. "Jesus, you're all grown up. You look amazing, Mona. I love the hair."

"Thank you," my hand immediately went to the ends of my hair, which hit much closer to my collarbones than I was used to. "I figured it was time for the big chop. How are you doing?"

"All's well at the Dobrik residence," she smiled. "Owen turned six a few months ago. He's getting so big, it's scary."

"I see him on Facebook sometimes! He's so cute. Definitely a little Dobrik. I mean, the genes in that family are so strong."

"I know. I thought I could escape them, but I was wrong," Emily giggled. "What are you doing in Vernon Hills?"

"My grandpa died a few weeks ago. I didn't really want my grandma to be alone for Christmas, so I took a couple weeks off," I explained, and Emily frowned.

"I'm so sorry, Mona."

"It's all good. He's old, you know. It's to be expected," I shrugged it off with a half hearted chuckle. "What are you doing in Vernon Hills? I thought you usually did Christmas at your family's."

"A lot has changed! John wanted to start doing a Dobrik family Christmas after he married Kim, so... we do it here now," she explained, and I nodded. "And you know... David's single. In case you were wondering."

I tried to hide my smile at her devilish smirk. "Emily."

"What? I don't see a ring on your finger!" she defended herself, her grin only getting wider. "You can't blame a girl for trying. You guys are, like, my couple."

"Your couple?"

"Yeah. The one I'd bet on. David and Mona," she smiled almost reminiscently. "Anyway, if you wanted to come over and see everyone, no one would be opposed. Sam and I leave tomorrow, so... it'd have to be tonight."

"Yeah, I'd like that," I told her, definitely not because I knew David was single or anything. Definitely not for that reason. Just because I missed the family. "Let me call my grandma and let her know."

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