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"He cornered me in the fucking bathroom," I mumbled as soon as I found where Todd and Zane were sitting at lunch. "I went to the bathroom in biology, and he followed me, and he cornered me."

"He's crazy," Todd said, and I nodded. "What'd he say? What happened?"

"Laugh because he's looking," Zane instructed me, and without turning my head to see if he actually was, I burst out laughing, laying my head on Todd's shoulder. "Perfect. We got an eyeroll. I love being a spy."

"Who is he sitting with?" I asked, trying to keep my voice level and even so Zane didn't think I was too interested.


"Just tell me. I'm a big girl. I can take it."

I really couldn't take it. He was sitting with Alex, Corinna, Gabbie, Scott, Kristen, and Liza. It hurt me to think he would sit with Kristen and Liza after knowing what they did to me, but then again... he had done worse.

"Oh, and he thinks we're dating, Todd," I told him. "Don't tell anyone else that, but he thinks we're dating. And... just out of curiosity, is your dick bigger or smaller than David's? Because I said bigger, and I don't want him to think I'm lying."

"You're probably okay," Todd half smirked, and I nodded. "What the hell did you tell him?"

"Well, he said I was ruthless for dating you to get a rise out of him, and I said I was dating you because you were there for me when he broke my heart... and then I said your dick was bigger. It just slipped out!"

"That's what she said," Zane raised his eyebrows in a childish, amused manner. I laughed with an eyeroll, eating my mozzarella sticks instead of choosing to comment. "Well, you did it. In about ten minutes, your first day will officially be over. How do you feel?"

I didn't want to say that I was going to start crying as soon as I closed my front door behind me. I didn't want to say that the confidence I was exuding only went so far, and it felt like I was burning alive on the inside. Instead, I diverted the question onto Zane. "How do you feel? Has Heath tried to talk to you? I haven't even seen him today."

"Oh, you didn't hear? He moved to DC with his dad. You know, his parents are divorced, so he moved with his dad. I heard someone say it was because he was going to work at his dad's company once he graduated, but..."

"What an idiot," I giggled to myself. "This is one of the best prep schools in the country. Kids that go to Abernathy basically have their pick of any college they want. Even I can see the opportunity beyond the tragedy here."

"Yeah," Zane sighed, resting his chin in his hand and looking off reminiscently. "I don't even know what to do anymore. We were the only two out boys. I won't have anyone to date all year."

I squeezed Todd's leg a bit harshly before he could open his mouth about Alex. No matter what Alex had or hadn't done, that was not our secret to share.

"Dom Zeglaitis gives me gay vibes," I said instead, which wasn't exactly a lie. For the rest of lunch, we sat debating who could be gay around us, and I tried to ignore the eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

When I got home, I sat with my grandma while she ate lunch, all the while holding back tears, then went to my room to cry.

She followed me about an hour later, a plate of warm chocolate chip cookies and a glass of water in her hands. "How did your day really go?"

"Great, can't you tell?" I laughed sarcastically, wiping my tears and smearing my makeup in the process. "Everything is so bad, Grammy. Like, so bad."

"What happened?" she sighed, passing me the plate and the glass and taking a seat at the end of the bed.

"I just... I love him, and he loves me, I think. But he hurt me really bad, and so I have to question that. I would've never done anything like that to him, and I know I love him, so if he could do that to me... does he even love me?" I wondered out loud, pressing my finger into the molten hot center of one of the cookies instead of actually eating it. It burned a bit, but nothing I couldn't take.

"Do you know you wouldn't have done it, even in his shoes?" her tone wasn't accusatory or mocking, but instead light and honest.

"Yes," I nodded in response. "When Todd told me he was cheating on me, he tried to kiss me before. When I turned him down, that's when he told me everything he knew. I remember thinking, when Todd tried to kiss me, that I needed to tell David. The first thing I wanted to do is go to David's and tell him how sorry I was. I wanted him to know he was right all along, even when nothing had happened. The thought of him even questioning for a second whether or not Todd and I had done anything made me sick. I would've never in a million years done what he did."

Grammy nodded, but I could tell she was holding something back. I nudged her with my foot, giving her an are you serious? look until she finally cracked. "What David did was very, very wrong. He thought of himself before he considered your feelings, and that is terrible."

"But..." I encouraged her, annoyed that I wanted her to suggest forgiveness just so it wouldn't be my idea. I wanted a reason to consider forgiving him, other than just being pathetic.

"But he's a boy, Mona," she seemed to sigh, like she knew saying it was just giving me the excuse I needed. "Boys are, and forever will be, dumb and inconsiderate. They don't question things before they act. Even worse is a traumatized boy. He will find a way to justify anything with his trauma, and sometimes that is true. Sometimes the things they have gone through put them in a different mindframe. So he's dumb, and he had a bad childhood. Does that make him forgivable?"

She was genuinely asking me. It wasn't a rhetorical question. She looked at me until I answered, "I don't know. He shouldn't get a free pass just because he made a mistake. I'm traumatized, too, but you don't see me making suicide pacts with the people around me so they don't kill themselves."

"Exactly, dear," she smiled, glad that I was finally getting it. "You're my granddaughter. You know exactly what to do."

She stood and walked out. Just before she closed the door, I said, "Uh, Grammy? What exactly am I supposed to do?"

With a devilish grin, she replied, "Give him hell, doll."

Ok i wrote the best chap but i need like 5 chaps until i can post it so now i just want to write so i can post the good one lol

Xoxo abby

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