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"Hey, you wouldn't know where the— oh my gosh, are you crying?"

I held back my laugh, mainly because I wanted David to be open about his emotions without the fear of looking stupid.

We had just put Owen down in his crib twenty or so minutes ago, and I had taken a shower. I was in desperate need of a makeup wipe, considering I had mascara dripping down to my lips, when I walked in on David laying on the guest bed, staring at the ceiling, with tears in his eyes.

"Kind of," he sighed, which in my opinion was better than no. "You were playing sad songs in the shower."

"What song?" I thought back to the three songs that had played in the time it took for me to wash my hair and body, both with men's three in one soap. "Oh, Supercut?"

"Yeah, it made me cry," he laughed a bit, using the backs of his hands to wipe his eyes. "Made me think of you."

"Oh," I replied, not wanting to push the subject further if David wasn't ready.

He clearly was, because he continued, "I know it was nothing compared to what you felt, but when we were... broken up, everything reminded me of you and it seemed like all the time I could only think about the good parts of our relationship and how much I fucked up. I'm just so sorry, Mona. There are so many things that I shouldn't have done. I made my life so miserable, and that's how I know I made you ten times more miserable, and it's a really shitty feeling. I'm sorry that I'm rambling. I just think it's better that I get it out."

"I do too," I told him, completely forgoing the makeup wipe and instead climbing into bed next to him. I reached for his hand, and he gladly interlocked our fingers. "I was pretty fucked up, to be honest. I never thought I would tell you this, because I didn't want you to know you had this power over me, but as long as we're being honest with each other... I don't think I even moved for three weeks. People would bring me food, and I'd just stare at it and cry. I lost a shit ton of weight."

"I'm so sorry, Mona," he squeezed my hand, but I continued.

"My friends were genuinely worried I was going to die. Like, seriously questioning fireman carrying me to the hospital, which is crazy to me now... but you drained me of all my energy," I felt the tears pricking my eyes as I spoke. It was a hard time to go back to. "And the worst part of it all is that I knew I would forgive you. I knew it, and I felt so stupid because of it. I felt so stupid knowing you could make me that weak and that empty, and I'd still go back to you, but I don't think it's so stupid anymore."

"Why not?" he asked, genuine curiosity in his tone, like he was worried I'd change my mind in a split second and this would all be over.

"Because it's nobody else's damn business who I choose to interact with," I answered honestly, channeling my grandma's pep talk about my fear of looking stupid. "And I've always tried to be so forgiving. You know, I told you I don't harbor any bad feelings towards my dad, and that's true. I can't hold a grudge over something that hurt me, because it will get me nowhere. I feel like it's the same with you. I know I'll be happier if we just move on with our lives, so I want to. You know, being a bad bitch is emotionally draining."

"You're always a bad bitch," he sweetly reassured me.

"Thank you! But I'm serious. It was so hard pretending I didn't care at school. It was so hard. I swear on my life I went home crying every single day. It would've taken me years to move on. I'd probably still be thinking about you and what could've been in college," I admitted. "So, in my opinion, it was stupid to sit around pretending I didn't care and crying myself to sleep every night when we could just fix this."

"Mona, I'm really, really fucking sorry that you cried over me," the thought of it seemed to spark another wave of emotion in David. "That was never my intention. I never wanted to hurt you, ever. I just let my fear get in my way, and I will never do it again. I never want you to cry over me again."

"Well, I'm crying right now, so," I only half joked, because there were definitely some tears running down my face. "It's alright, though. You know something?"


"I think our supercut would be magical, Davey. Absolutely magical."

Emily and Sam returned to their house around two in the morning, and though Sam desperately wanted to wake our intertwined bodies, Emily begged him not to. She said it was our moment. She said he couldn't ruin it. She was right, and I was grateful for her presence. I might've started swinging on Sam if he ruined that for us.

When we awoke at around six to Owen screaming his head off, we decided there was no point in trying to go back to sleep. The house was too rambunctious. Instead, we took on babysitter duties while trying to give Sam a chance to sleep.

I changed Owen's diaper and held him for a few hours. David and I watched a movie (Mulan, as not to poison the baby's mind with anything inappropriate) and by nine, David was making breakfast for the couple. It was endearing, and it only made my mind wander to what David would be like if we were married.

Emily and Sam woke up to the smell of pancakes, and Emily, AKA Supermom, held Owen in one hand and scarfed down her breakfast with the other.

"Guys, before you leave," Emily pulled a hundred dollar bill out of her wallet and passed it to me.

"No, we can't—"

"It's for Mona, genius. I wouldn't give you money unless I was bailing you out of jail," she told me. "Thank you for babysitting. And seriously guys, thank you for getting up with him this morning and letting us sleep. You don't know how amazing it was to sleep past four."

"We'll do it again soon," I smiled at her, giving her one last hug. "Seriously, if you need me, call me. I love babies. I will come every night if you want me to."

"We want you to," Sam joked, but I could tell he was a little bit serious. "David, go warm the car up. I need to talk to Mona."

I rolled my eyes, as did David, but he followed his brother's orders and vacated the house. Sam turned to me and said, "Did you fuck in our guest bed?Because I need to know if we need to wash the sheets."

"No, actually, we fucked in the master bed," I shot my eyebrows up with a smirk. "Really roomy in there. And the sheets... they're so soft! Seriously, you couldn't have made it better if you tried. Bye now!"

"We don't need another baby just yet!" he called after me, and I rolled my eyes once again, flipping him the bird over my shoulder.


Yeah can u tell i listened to supercut and cried today LMAO

Xoxo abby

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