My Name is Bob.

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Next to a forested park, a long gravel path wound. Songbirds sung until the air was filled with their chirps, bringing curiosity as to what birds had sang. Light filtered through and past leaves, dyeing the ground rich shades of green. 

Then, the birds stopped singing, and the sound of moving gravel sounded. A cheerful blond skipped through, singing. She felt it was very deeply connected to the season, and singing it brought her joy.

"Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul. With a corncob pipe and a button nose and his eyes made out of coal..."

A black haired boy appeared. "You, what are you singing? I'm trying to sleep."

She looked at him. "Oh..."

"Don't sing it again." She shrugged, agreeing, cowed by his threatening mannerism.

"Last Christmas, I gave you my heart. But the very next day, you-" a shoe came flying at her and she rolled into the forest. 

When she woke up, she had a shoe print on her forehead. She touched it. "Wow, Nike." Hearing a rustling beside her, she slowly turned her head, facing a large dog.

"Oh my God, what type of shampoo do you use?" She patted her twin braids, "My hair is never that soft! Come on, tell me! 

The wolf looked at her, completely confused. He was also unwilling to give her the secret formula that had been passed down for generations in his family.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I have to take this call, brb." She got up and ran away.


She was new at school, but seats also haven't been decided, so she sat down randomly. 

The girls next to her had started discussing the new students.

"I know the werewolf sovereign and the vampire representatives are both hot!"

"Well, they have to be."

"Yeah, well, there is also two female students. Don't know how they would let them into second year like this!"

She scooted between two of them, "I heard their both blond, at least."

A curly haired brunette replied, not noticing the new addition, "Yeah, one is a sex demon or something. She always wears a mask."

"And a really fake brown wig," an Asian girl added.

The last member, with bright blue hair, said, "Is she a succubus?"

"Maybe a fox," the Asian girl responded, "or even a... spider!"

The other three gave a few shrieks, but then the original two gave her a weird look, "Seducing spiders?"

Trying to help the Asian girl, she spoke, "Well, you know, maybe some guys really like long legs." She looked around at the three disgusted faces. "No? Well, what about the unknown student? Do you know all their names?"

They immediately switched back to the topic, the blue haired girl bringing out a class roster. They all crowded around, getting a good glimpse.

The brunette soon leaned back, saying, "I have bad memory, I can't even remember all the usual classmates. That reminds me, what's your name?"

She looked over, pleasantly surprised, "Call me Inie." The brunette nodded. By then, the other two had quickly sorted out the new names. 

"Okay," the blue haired girl said," there's Alicia, Lucy, Malik, and Bob."

The Asian girl made a face of disgust, "Lucy? Oh god, is she going to be another Bella Swan?"

"No way," the blue haired girl refuted, "if she had the abilities to be here, she would definitely be showing off. Think about it. Since she hasn't, isn't she ugly?"

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