I am Just That Tired( I swear it's a comedy) (1)

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Lester 'fucking' The Molester had been in this world for 69 years. It all started when he was ran over by truck-San and the demon overlord came to meet him personally because his soul was as unstained as a white lotus rising out of the mud of this mortal world.

Actually, he just got killed by his partner. And his life was boring, so he'd like to spice it up.

Bam. His vision turned white and he felt the concrete scrape his cheekbone. Not like this, though. 

He struggle to get up, and cringed instinctively when he felt a pressure on his back, but no kicks or punches came. The pressure increased and he laid there, defenseless. The ground was dirty. He rolled his eyes up as far as they would go. Who the hell was stepping on him? Oh.

Black eyes met golden ones. He couldn't help his face from scrunching up weirdly. The alpha kid. Crap. He didn't even finish his introduction, if he just got killed here-.The even-buffer-than-the-last-time-they-met young man walked off (his old back), calling to his beta. 

"Find that motherf*cking cunt right now! That gay, c*cksucking Ching Chong is going to get what's coming to him!" He swore, a swear twisting his youthful face. Wow. Even the female next to him- his mate-, though usually demure, looked incredibly insulted. But atleast those comments weren't yet directed at him.

He let out a sigh. His whole body felt limp as he sagged in relief. Thank god that alpha had quite the case of facial blindness. Otherwise, he probably would've died. Exhaustion pervaded his bones as he struggled to get up with more success than last time. He stumbled and leaned against a wall. Okay, check your body first. Hiss, oh, his left leg was broken. Warmth still dropped down his face and his ribs hurt when he heaved in too loudly. Even staggering away from this gang war would leave him half dead. Ugh.

He took in a deep breath already feeling tired, but then he heard a gasp. He looked up. The girl recognized him. Of course she would, crap. But she surely wasn't stupid enough-. Her voice cut through him like a sharp piece of glass.

"Damien!!!" He bolted. His vision swam as he darted through the alley. The telephone pole on the other side seemed to sway before darting towards him and the air felt awfully heavy. He smelled a familiar scent behind him. Panic rose in his throat as he realized the alpha was personally giving chase. A loud crack sounded and his stomach cramped in extreme pain. He stumbled. His left leg was stepped on again. He accelerated. Crap. No. Move. Change, change, but not enough room, not.enoughroom.notenoughroomnotenouroonoenouro-almostthererunrunrun!

The pain brought him back to the time he was flayed while being half-shifted. Tendons tore as his leg shifted, and a terrifying crack sounded as he uncontrollably landed on his left leg. Both of them buckled as he scrabbled to keep them straight enough to heal. He watched the mouth of the alleyway warily.

Ahh- he couldn't feel anything. His vision flickered in and out and his front paw ached where he had landed weirdly. He couldn't tell if his whole body was shaking or if it was just his vision. What, why aren't they chasing?! Going around? He flicked his ears, hysterical. No, nonono, no. No, where?! Numb?! Numb?! Ice demon! In their territory, can't move, frozen, lay down, Nono nonono-

He let out a painful howl as his left leg finally set itself. His vision flickered on like a screen, and he launched his million pound body up a dumpster to the roof. He had to go, can't stay, runawayfaraway. He leapt around between roofs, running towards the dawn. Gravel dug into his paws and the numbness didn't fade even as he left the ice's domain. 

Bang. F- A blast of magic swept onward him. He jumped down to avoid it. Magic creeps. No clear shot when he's down on the streets, but gotta keep running. 

Breaths circulated behind him before he got tackled to the ground. He knew that smell! He wrestled, pushing the she-wolf's face away from his throat. She- pain shot through his forelimb and he knocked her off with his other- was the- she bristled, and ran around. She trapped his left leg and all he could feel was pain. -beta, beta! This one has a weakness. - He tried to shove her down, but she dodged. Much more spry, she got his throat again. He pulled away too late and blood dyed his grey coat.- When she lunges!- Going into a frenzy, she lunged again, her eye whites showing. He lowed his body and tripped her. The impact of her legs left a searing pain in his side. He took off again, his left leg lame and his side burning.

He would run, run, runrunrunrun and never come back. Even when the sun rose, he couldn't see with the blood in his eyes, and he tripped on a rock. The tension and panic hadn't eased a bit, but he couldn't muster any strength. The last thing he saw were eyes a shade he would never forget.

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