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The following journey was uneventful. Since it was already late into the night, there were very few people on the highway. It was only when passing through the highway tollbooths that they occasionally encounter a few zombies. But because they had their weapons ready, it was extremely easy to dispose of them. Because of this, the vehicles that were following closely behind them regarded them as their knights in shining armor and were completely unwilling to leave their side for even one moment.

The closer they got to D City, the more vehicles could be seen on the road. Many of the people were fleeing from D city, but there were also some who were running towards D city in search of salvation there.

When they finally reached the highway's exit, they could see a great pile-up of cars that were blocking the way forward. The situation was similar to the one they had just left behind at the county. Cars were swerving dangerously, some even crashing into each other, while zombies could be seen everywhere attacking and biting people. Even more cries of terror and people shouting curses could be heard here, with some people simply abandoning their cars and fleeing on foot.

"Go to the gas station." Xiao Sa casually said, his brows creasing without him even realizing that he was frowning. Looking at the current state of the highway, he could see that the drivers were no longer adhering to the traffic laws. Regardless of which direction the car was headed, whether inbound or outbound, they just used whichever lane that was available, resulting in many accidents blocking up the road. If they wanted to continue on with their journey they mustn't pass by here, otherwise, they would have to abandon the cars. That being the case, instead of wasting time here, it was better to first use this time to collect gasoline.

"Right!" Liu Hua immediately turned the car around in a U-turn. They had already adapted to the situation while on the way here, so everyone's mental state was now much better. They were no longer as scared of zombies, only of being scratched by one. All that was needed to take down a zombie was one bullet.

Unfortunately, a few other cars had also just turned their cars around, making Liu Hua angry and frustrated. The cars that were previously following them had all turned around in unison, thereby also blocking up the road behind them.

Liu Wei spat then said from between clenched teeth: "What's the matter with these people, fuck them for blocking our way."

Xiao Sa frowned and then ordered: "Park the cars on the curb, a few people will follow me on foot, the rest of you will stay behind to take care of things. If anyone tries to cause trouble, you know what to do."

"Rest assured elder brother." Liu Hua slapped his chest while pledging this. Then two people got out of each car, and naturally, Bai Jing also followed Xiao Sa.

Someone saw them getting out of their cars then immediately looked at the gas station not too far away. They hurriedly took hold of two empty buckets and also got out of their car with the intention of following Xiao Sa's group.

Han Yan was in a horrible mood after having to repress a bellyful of fiery rage for the past few weeks. So when he saw this, he immediately pulled out his gun and aimed at the person before angrily and rudely saying: "I'm giving this old man one chance to get lost."

Bai Jing briefly glanced at Han Yan before deciding to ignore him. Everyone else also remained silent.

Before he could even fire his gun, someone came forward and shouted, "Murderer..."

Someone else with even more guts bravely rebuked him saying: "This road is not your home. Let me inform you that this is still a modern society with rules and laws."

"I'll report you if you dare shoot and kill anyone."

After hearing this, Han Yan was instantly filled with so much anger, it felt like he was chocking.

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