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With Bai Jingcheng overseeing the process, the management office's efficiency improved significantly, and the temporary residents were quickly registered and processed. Bai Jing held the communicator in his hands and played with it, soon learning the specific functions that it contained. Each communicator had a digital number that was both their ID card number and communication number. Temporary communicator numbers started with 005, and only offered the calling and identity authentication functions.

Bai Jing raised his eyebrows. His smile was very sweet as he turned his head towards Bai Jingcheng and asked in a clear voice, "Father, where are we staying?"

"That has been arranged for you a long time ago. There are four vacant villas in the Western District. Father will take you there to see them now." Bai Jingcheng was so flattered by Bai Jing's smile and tone that he replied very quickly.

"Thank you, Father!"

"What are you being so polite for? I'm your dad. If I don't treat you well, who else am I supposed to be good to?" Bai Jingcheng laughed, and his expression eased, his tone turning light. To be honest, he felt a lot of pressure when facing this son. There was clearly nothing wrong, but he always felt a little leery; it should be the aftereffects of facing a level five ability user's pressure, right? He simply attributed the current situation to Xiao Sa.

"In that case, let's go." Bai Jing was very happy. After leaving the management office, he looked around, then obediently followed after Bai Jingcheng, and the father and son pair began to chat.

"Father, your communicator looks really beautiful." Bai Jing's eyes were curved into crescent moons as he spared no effort with his praise.

"Of course, Mr. Bai's communicator is the best available in the Capital. Even I'm not eligible to receive one right now." Zhang Qiucheng echoed his words and flattered Bai Jingcheng.

Bai Jingcheng was silent for a moment, then glanced between Bai Jing and Xiao Sa. He hesitated, then said, "... After a while, father will help you get one."

Bai Jing narrowed his eyes, then smiled and made a sound of surprise, "Really?! Won't it be difficult? Maybe you should just forget about it. I just really like the color."

Zhang Qiucheng hurriedly continued the conversation topic, "Don't worry, Young Master Jing. Mr. Bai loves you so much. Getting you a golden communicator shouldn't be a problem. Every top level management person in the base is given three of these high-end communicators. As for who they're actually given to after that, that's up to their personal preference. Am I right, Mr. Bai?"

Bai Jingcheng actually regretted his words after he'd spoken them out loud, but he now had no way to take them back and could only force a smile, "... It's not difficult. It's just a communicator. Father still has this level of authority."

"Thank you, Father. The Capital Base is very advanced, it's great. If only our base could have this kind of equipment as well." Bai Jing was sincere in his praise. It wouldn't hurt him to say a few good words to Bai Jingcheng, especially if it made Bai Jingcheng more likely to help make things more convenient for him.

"Little Jing doesn't plan to stay at the Capital?" Bai Jingcheng frowned, and his tone was slightly disapproving.

"Jing Sa City isn't that bad either. It's just that it's quite short on R&D and scientific personnel, and the machinery and equipment aren't as good as what's available in the Capital. Father, you love me the most, right?"

"... Yes..." Bai Jingcheng really felt some pain now. Not only did his teeth hurt, but his heart also ached. He looked at his delighted son, then looked at Xiao Sa, who was as immovable as a mountain, and then glanced at the exceptionally keen Zhang Qiucheng, and had no way to say any words of rebuttal.

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