Chapter 2: Mystery Boy

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Chapter 2: Mystery Boy

I walked into school looking down at the floor like usual. I found that if I just looked at the ground and didn't make eye contact with anyone it made my chances of getting beat up less. I rounded the corner and looked up to where my locker was. Alex and his posse were standing in front of it in a circle laughing about something. I shook my head and turned around hurrying away before they noticed I was there. Guess I won't be going to my locker right now. I had my first period book with me so that wasn't an issue, but I also had my sixth and eighth period books with me making my backpack very heavy. I had planned to drop them off but...oh well. I'd rather carry an extra heavy backpack than get beat up first thing in the morning. I walked into my tenth grade english class and took my usual seat in the back. I just wanted to be invisible, and I found that sitting in the back made it harder for the usual bullies to throw stuff at me. I looked up at just thr wrong time when Avi, part of Alex's little group walked in and made eye contact with me. He mouthed 'fag' and I looked back down. I saw out of the corner of my eye someone sit right next to me but i didn't look back up. I knew who it was. Avi dropped his backpack on the floor after sitting down and then leaned close to me. "Missed you at your locker faggot." He hissed. He laughed quietly as I stayed silent. There was no point in saying anything to him, it would only make things worse. Avi and all of Alex's group were all seniors so I didn't have classes with the rest of them. This was the only class I had with Avi and it was because he didn't care about school at all so he failed it twice. 

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my arm as Avi stuck the sharp point of his pencil into my skin. I bit my lip but kept quiet as to not make a scene. "Just sharpened it...pretty good don't you think?" He snickered. I shrugged my shoulders and held my arm. He laughed and turned to focus on the front board as the teacher began. I singly tear slid down my cheek and I quickly wiped it away before anyone would notice. The rest class period I felt Avi poke me with his pencil multiple times and laugh to himself. "Avriel is there something you want to share with the class?" Mrs. Earl asked putting her hands on her hips. Avi shook his head and smirked. "Then I suggest you pay attention!" She stated and turned back to teaching. Avi gave me a look of hate but stopped poking me for the time being. I looked at the clock and got ready to run out of class as soon as the bell rang so Avi wouldn't be able to get to me. I've gotten good at avoiding their group. Three, two, one...the bell rang and I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my book and backpack and filed out of the room with the group of students before Avi even got out of his chair. I raced to my locker and put my books in there and grabbed my second period and third period book just to be safe. As soon as I pulled them out my locker was slammed shut and I turned around startled. Avi, Kevin and Alex stood around me smirking and my terrified look. Alex slammed my books out of my hands, papers flying everywhere. "You avoided your locker this morning, we had an appointment with you gay boy." Alex yelled and shoved me aganst my locker. Kevin and Avi laughed. I looked down hopeing they would just get bored and leave. "Why don't you say something? Come on Scott? Are you a mute?" Kevin snapped his fingers in my face but I still said nothing. Kevin and Avi grabbed my arms and pinned them against the lockers as Alex grabbed my face and forced my head up to look at him. I still couldn't make eye contact with him. "Now we coudv'e avoided this if you had showed up earlier. You know you can't hide from us." He sneered and i whimpered a little making them all laugh. He punched me in the stomach and then Avi and Kevin let me drop to the floor. "Hey!" The three turned around to see who had said that. I boy I'd never seen before stood with his hands clentched. "Pick on someone your own size!" He yelled and the three laughed again. The bell rang and they looked down at me. 

"Later fag." Kevin hissed and they walked away leaving me on the floor. The boy walked over and started picking up my books and papers and I finally stood up. " Are you ok?" He asked handing me my stuff. I glanced up at him nervously then quickly nodded. Wow,  he was gorgeous! Is dark brown hair was styled to the side perfectly and he had a slight scruff on his chin. He also had beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "Are you sure you're not hurt?" He asked again and I realized I was staring and looked down nodding. His voice was very high pitched, it was...cute....wait no what are you thinking Scott he would never like you. You're trash...

"O-oh then...Uh see ya." He then walked away and I looked up watching him walk. Who was that? I've never seen him here before, and he was the first person to ever help me. I looked around and didn't see Alex or any of his friends so I walked to my next class still thinking of the stranger who had helped me. 

I had succesfully avoided the group of bullies the rest of the morning but as the lunch bell rang I knew it was about that time to meet again. I walked into the cafeteria immediately seeing the people I didn't want to see. The group consisted of Alex, the leader, Kevin and Avi, the muscle. Avi's girlfriend Kirstie, who was the most popular girl in school, and Travis. They were all standing in line to get their lunches and I decided I wasn't hungry and turned around hurrying out of the lunch room. I walked outside and sat on the front steps of the school. I was so tired and laid my head on my knees wraping my arms around my head to clock out the light. I was about to doze off when I head movement next to me and I shot up and turned to see who it was. "Whoa sorry I didn't mean to scare you..." The boy who had helped me before stood with his hands up. I relaxed and sighed turning away from him.

"Is this spot saved?" He asked gesturing to the sopt next to me. I shook my head and he sat down. I eyed him suspiciously and then turned my head when he turned to me. "Not hungry eh?" He tried to make small talk. I looked at him again and shrugged. I didn't know how to talk to people. "Yeah me either...actually, truth is I don't know anyone and I'm a little nervous." He laughed. I didn't understand him. He seemed confident and not nervous to me, I mean he was talking to a complete stranger. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came so I shut it again and looked down at my shoes. "You don't say much do you?" He asked and again I shook my head in defeat. "Hey that's ok, It's nice to have someone just listen for a change." He tried to joke. "I'm not bothering you am I?" He asked again trying to get me to speak. I looked at him and shook my head. "Oh good. By the way I'm Mitch. I just moved here." He reached out his hand and I just stared at it blankly. "It's a hand shake...although I kind of need your hand..." I reached out my hand hesitantly and he took it giving it a firm shake. "And your name is?" He pressed on. "Scott..." I whispered and his face lit up. 

'Ahh so you CAN speak. Yay! Hello Scott!" He smiled wide showing his teeth. It almost made me smile, but I couldn't understand why he was being nice to me. Maybe his friends dared him or he lost a bet? No one was ever nice to me out of the goodness of their hearts. The bell rang and I got up to go back to my locker. "Well it was nice meeting you Scott!" He shook my hand again and ran off. I stared after him confused before walking into the building. Couple hours to go and I could leave...except I would be going to someplace much worse than this and my mother and James weren't going to be happy with me. 

***Yay! Mitch is finally here!***

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