Chapter 11: The Rescue

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Chapter 11:The Rescue

I walked Mitch inside his house and helped him clean up his face a little. I still felt bad about not stopping them sooner. "Scott I'm really proud of you. I knew you had it in you to stand up for youself, and thank you for stopping them by the way." Mitch said after I had cleaned him up. 

"I should be the one thanking you over and over again. You've done so much for me."

"Well now that you've found your courage, maybe you could stand up to James and your mom?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? No...I couldn't. They're far more dangerous than Alex and his stupid friends." There was no way I could stand up to them. They'd kill me, wouldn't they? 

"I understand Scott, I mean I don't want you to get hurt but you can't keep letting them pimp you out like this. Maybe I could help you...."

"No! You can't Mitch." I cut him off. I sighed and sat down. I hadn't meant to sound so harsh. "I'm sorry Mitch I didn't mean to snap at you, I just really can't get you involved." He walked over to me and hugged me.

"Scott, you wouldn't be getting me involved, I would be getting myself involved. Just think about it ok? I'm always here when you need me." 

"I know Mitch...I really wish there was something you could do but unfortunately I'm stuck with this shit, at least until I graduate." His face dropped and he looked very sad. I tried to smile at him, to try and reassure him I was ok but I couldn't do that. I wasn't ok. 

"I better go...Thanks Mitch." I said standing up. He nodded and gave me a hug goodbye.  I waved and walked out. I wanted to stand up to them but  there were complications. They would just beat me to a pulp and I had no where else to go so I'd be stuck with them. It was about surviving.

I walked back home thinking about how shocked everyone was when I spoke up. I felt great that I finally found the courage to say something.  When I got home I walked inside my room and found Mandy waiting for me. "Hey sexy." She said walking towards me. I backed away slowly as she put her hands on me feeling up my chest. James walked into the room and pointed to the bed. I looked at the bed and it suddenly looked terrifying to me. I felt frozen in place jus staring blankly at the bed. "Lay down." He ordered. I suddenly pictured the scene at school with Alex and I shook my head. I didn't want to listen anymore. "Get over there NOW!" He demanded and I still didn't move. I thought about Mitch and pictured his face smiling at me. Mandy tried to pull my arm but I yanked it away.

"NO!" I yelled and started to run out of my room. What the hell was I doing? 

"BABE STOP HIM!" James yelled running after me. I was almost to the door when I was tripped and I fell to the floor with a loud thud. I layed on my back when my mom jumped on me. 

"I got him James!" She said and slapped me.

"Get off! Help! Hel..." My plan was to scream as loud as possible hoping someone would hear me but James had made it to me and covered my mouth.

"What the hell has gotten into him?! God damnit shut up!" James grabbed my hair with his other arm and dragged me back to my room, me kicking and screaming the whole way. He held me down while Mandy did her business, I had not stopped struggling the entire time. There was no happy place, no flowers, and no Mitch.

I laid on the floor exhausted from all the struggling watching Mandy leave. I knew what was coming, I was in a lot of trouble for the way I acted. "What the hell was that?! You're lucky she didn't leave because then this money wouldn't be in my hand and you would be dead right now!" He yelled and hit me in the face with the stack of money. I looked away from him. I could care less about what he had to say. "You disrespectful little bitch!" He smacked my face and then pulled me up. My mom ran to open the closet door as he pulled me towards it. I was too tired to put up a fight, I just wanted to sleep. He threw me inside and slammed the door, then I heard the click of the lock. I layed down and closed my eyes. I tried, I really tried to stop it but I couldn't. I thought about what I couldv'e done differently, but came up empty. What was I suposed to do? I couldn't deal with this for another two years. I eventually dozed off trying to think of my happy place.

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