Chapter 22: Moving On

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Chapter 22: Moving On

"Excuse me...that's my boyfriend!" Someone was speaking but I didn't know who.

"And that's MY boyfriend..." Someone else? Who is talking? What is happening? I opened my eyes to see Mitch and Kirstie standing over me with their hands on their hips. 

"What's going on?" I groaned and tried to sit up but was stopped. I realized I couldn't move. I looked around and saw that two people, Avi and Kavin to be exact were passed out half laying on either side of me. "Oh wow...." I chuckled and layed back down. Krstie and Mitch burst into laughter. "A little help here?" I said once they had calmed down and Kirstie bent down and shook Avi awake. "Babe! Wake up you're laying on Scott!" She yelled and his eyes fluttered open. He looked up to see what he was laying on and suddenly jumped up looking very apologetic which made me laugh so hard I woke Kevin up. Once he realized he was also laying on me he did the same thing only making me laugh harder. "You NEVER speak of this got it?!" Kevin said pointing a finger at me and I nodded unable to control my laughter. Finally able to breathe I stood up and smirked at Avi. I debated telling him what he said to me last night...oh yes I'm so telling him. "So Avi, do you remember what you said to me last night?" I eyed him. He looked terrified at me. "You said, hey I just wanna tell you that you're awesome and I love you as a friend." He looked completely mortified and everyone burst out laughing again. Eventually we were all laughing at what happened last night.

After some coffee and lots of tylenol we said goodbye to them all and watched them walk out the door. "So when do you want to do this?" Mitch asked walking over to me.

"Do what? Ohh...that..." He was refering to going to see James and my mom. I knew it needed to be done so I could move on with my life but I was suddenly scared to go. 

"You don't have to do this Scott, we don't have to go." Mitch said taking my hand and kissing it lightly. 

"Yes I do have to do it. They need to know they can't control me anymore." 

"Ok, then I'll support you but I swear if they touch you I'm going to snap!" I shook my head at him. I loved it when he got all protective, it was cute.

"I guess as soon as we get ready we could go. The sooner we do it the sooner I can move on." I stated and he nodded.

I got in the shower thinking about what it was going to be like seeing my mom and James again. I had certain things I needed to say to them in order to get closure and move on with my life. I just hoped I could actually say what I needed to without chickening out. I got out and got dressed, then waited for Mitch to shower and get ready. "Ready to do this?" Mitch asked and I nodded. Finally we were out the door and on our way. I was figeting with my fingers the whole way, I was so nervous I felt like puking. Mitch grabbed a hold of one of my hands and squeezed it as he drove trying to calm me down. I focussed my gaze out the window trying to ignore the memories of all the night's they tortured me. All the times I was forced into sex with James watching. No matter how hard I tried to push them away they kept finding their way back. I kept reminding myself that they couldn't hurt me, that there would be officers there and Mitch would be there. I was going to be fine. I looked over at Mitch who was concentrating on the road. He was so beautiful, his hair was always perfect and he always dressed amazing. His bone structure was stunningly beautiful to look at and his chocolate brown eyes sparkled when he looked at me. Not only were his features amazing but the way he carried himself, so confident. He wasn't afraid of anything, and didn't care what people thought of him. The memories and fears I had within me completely went away while I watched him. He was my distraction, he was the only one who could pull me out of my darkness. He was my breath, my oxygen, my everything. He glanced at me feeling my eyes on him and I saw a light blush on his perfect cheeks. "What is it babe?" He asked turning back to the road. 

"Nothing...I just like looking at you." I smiled as he chuckled.

"Well I like looking at you too." He replied and squeezed my hand again. I felt better, less nervous. I knew what I had to do and there was no turning back.

We pulled into the jail and I hesitated before getting out. "I'll be right there with you so don't worry babe." He said grabbing my hand. I had a copy of the emancipation papers from the lawyer and I planned to give them to my mom. An officer directed us to a cell and we sat at the table waiting to see my mom and James. Finally we saw them being escorted towards us in hand cuffs. A rush of fear went through me and the memories were forcing their way up again.  I started to hum Accross the Universe quietly and Mitch squeezed my hand for support.  They walked in and James threw me a death glare when he sat down accross from us. I looked down and took a series of deep breaths thinking about what I needed to say."Well Scott, I didn't think you'd come. You look scared? Typical scared faggot Scott. You'll always be a scared little bitch." He laughed. Mitch twitched when he said it and I squeezed his hand telling him not to do anything.  "Listen you bitch! This is all your fault! You're the reason we're in here!" My mom sneered and I stayed silent. I couldn't make myself speak. She eyed me and then smiled mockingly. "He can't even speak he's so scared! Coward..." My mom laughed. I was suddenly angry. I was here for one reason and one reason only and I'll be damned if I don't say what I wanted to say. 

"NO! I'm NOT a coward, I'm not a scared little bitch!" I yelled slamming my fist onto the table. They stared at me in shock. "I'm here to tell you this is the LAST time you'll ever see me!" I threw the papers at them and they looked at them confused. I don't know where the sudden confidence came from but it ran through me like elecricity. "Since you're obviously too stupid to understand what it is I just threw at you, I'll explain using SMALL words." Did I just say that outloud? Wow I did! " Those are papers telling you I've been emancipated from your custody, and by that I mean you can no longer control me. I am officially on my own away from you! if you ever get out of here you aren't able to come NEAR me. There's also a restraining order there so if you DO decide to come near me you'll end up right back  in here where you belong." I was more then angry now.

"You can't be serious..?" My mom asked still confused.

"Oh I'm deadly serious. All my life you've done nothing but torture me and blame me for ruining your life, well guess what you fucking did that yourslf by being a slut and getting pregnant! I never asked to be born to you! You have NO power over me anymore and I'm not afraid of you!" James opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "I wasn't done you dick! I've found someone who loves me for who I am and I'm actually HAPPY! And I have friends! The only thing that was holding me back from LIVING was you! But that's over now. I'm no longer your son, and I'm no longer your punching bag. Have a nice life stuck in here!" I smirked and stood up pulling a very shocked Mitch with me. The gaurd let us out and I glanced back at their still shocked/confused faces. 

Once outside I stopped and looked up at the blue sky breathing in the freash air. That felt completely amazing and I felt free! "I'm proud of you Scott! You were so confident in there!" Mitch said excitedly and hugged my waist. I pulled him in for a long passionate kiss and then smiled down at him. "Yes.." I said.

"Yes what?" He asked confused.

"Yes I will sing a duet with you for the talent show." His eyes widened and he jumped on me knocking us to the ground in a fit of giggles.

"YAY! Oh my god I'm so excited! We need to find the best song ever!" He clapped his hands together excitedly and I shook my head at him laughing. The past was finally behind me and I could move on and be happy with Mitch. That's all I ever wanted, needed. Just Mitch. 

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