Chapter 10: Standing Up

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Chapter 10: Standing Up

It had been a week since I told Mitch everything. Luckily my mom and James were passed out when I go home that night so there was no Mandy waiting for me, although she came every night for four days after that. It was complete torture and every time I went to that safe place in my mind. It was the only thing that got me through it. I found out that my mom and James weren't just drinking now and that they were buying drugs with the money they got for selling me. I found a syringe in the trash one day and noticed small puncture wounds on their arms. My mom didn't have a job, she hadn't had one in a long time. She took welfare for being a single mom and of course James didn't work. Now they had even more money because of me. 

I walked to Mitch's house before school and knocked on his door. "Hey Scotty! Guess what no more crutches!" He pumped his fist in the air making me laugh. He still had a brace on his knee which made him limp, but at least he'd be able to get around easier. I helped him down the steps and opened his car door for him. "Thank you." He said as he got in.

"You're welcome." I smiled. I had no problem talking to him now. Every since I told him everything that was going on I felt like I could tell him everything. Of course I stayed mute to the rest of the world but with Mitch I didn't have to hide anything.  I pulled up at school and got out to get to Mitch's door to help him out. "Scott I appreciate the help but I can walk." He laughed.

"Ok ok sorry I'll back off." I smirked at him. We walked into school and after I walked him to his locker I waved and planned to meet him for lunch. I walked back to my locker getting stares and points as I walked. It had been happening a lot lately and people seemed to think we were together. I was used to it though and it didn't bother me that they were spreading rumors. To be honest I kind of wished it was true. 

I walked into English class and there was Avi. I looked around and because I walked Mitch to his locker all the seats were filled except the one next to him. Great. I walked over and sat next to him and immediately he gave me his famous evil smirk. "So word around school is that you two fags are fucking each other. Now how bout that." He leaned in making kissing sounds. I ignored him until once again he stabbed me with his pencil. I grabbed my arm and continued to listen to what was going on in class. This was nothing compared to what Mitch was going through so I could deal with a little pencil poking and a few insults. Finally the bell rang and I got up slowly and looked at the ground making sure Avi's foot wasn't in my way this time. I walked out of the class and saw Kirstie standing there apparently waiting for Avi. When she saw me she smiled and walked towards me. Shit. I turned to walk the other way but Avi stopped me. "Alex says I can't physically hurt you but that doesn't mean you're completely off the hook." Avi laughed and pushed me against the wall putting his arm against my neck. Kirstie walked up to me and glanced at Avi first, nodded to her, and then at me. She smirked but it wasn't her usual smirk, there was a speck of sadness in her eyes. She placed her hands on my chest, then moved them lightly down to my hips. I started to panic as I realized what was going to happen.

"Please..." I whispered. She suddenly grabbed my groin roughly making me wince. I saw her look down for a second before she turned on her condifent smirk. I squeezed my eyes shut and turned my head away from them while Avi laughed. "Don't you like it?" She whispered and squeezed tighter. I whimpered and let my tears fall. Finally they let me go and Avi got in my face. "Weak Bitch..." He sneered and they both walked away laughing the whole time. I sank to the floor as tears fell down my cheeks. The scene with Mandy flooded back into my mind and I pulled my knees to my chest. I was so tired of being used and disregarded like trash. Finally able to compose myself I got up and walked to my locker. Second period was almost over so there was no need to go. I grabbed my third and fourth period books and then waited for the bell to ring before heading to class.

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