Chapter 20: It's Over

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Chapter 20: It's Over

What happened to me? Where was I? I opened my eyes and I wasn't sure where I was. I looked up and there was a boarded up window next to me, the moonlight pouring over me through a crack in the boards. I was laying on a bed that was evident and I had an enormous headache. I groaned and rolled over on my side. "He's awake, good." That voice...I looked to where it came from and James walked out of the dark corner into the moonlight. I shot up and pressed my back to the wall. I was still drunk and things were still a little fuzzy. My head hurt so bad. 

"Wh-where am I?" I whimpered and he snickered and came closer.

"You're home Scott. And you'll never leave here again." My mom stood next to him. 

"N-NO! NO!" I screamed and James flew forward knocking me to the floor. 

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE YOU ARE?!" James slammed the back of my head against the floor and I yelled in pain. "You little BITCH! You just think you can do whatever the HELL you want!" He backhanded me and then got up. 

"You better get yourself together before Mandy get's here." My mom growled.

"NO! I WON'T DO IT!" I yelled. My mom walked over to me and grabbed my shirt pulling me up a little. 

"You do what your told!" She sneered and threw me back down. They walked out of the room and I got up and went towards the door just as I heard a lock click. God damnit! They put a lock on the door! I yanked and turned the handle frantically but it wouldn't budge. "LET ME OUT!" I screamed and hit the door over and over. I sank to the floor and sobbed hysterically. I couldn't do it again, I couldn't be used like before...not again. Suddenly I heard a very distant siren and I jumped up and pounded on the door and screamed louder. "IN HERE! HELP ME!!!" I heard the lock click and I stepped back as James flew open the door and grabbed me. He put one arm around my neck and the other hand on my mouth and dragged me around the corner. "SHUT UP!" He hissed at me. My mom was crouched next to us. I wouldn't shut up. No matter what he said I wouldn't. I screamed and fought as best I could. Just then the door was kicked open and four dark figures ran into the house. I bit James' hand and he let it drop from my mouth and yelled in pain. "HELP! HELP ME!" I yelled until his hand was replaced. We heard shuffling and then someone grabbed James from behind and flung him back hard against the opposite wall. I fell forward and scrambled to my feet. My mom tried to grab my arm and her nails dug into my skin but I didn't care. I ripped my arm away from her and ran to the figure in front of me. I knew exactly who it was. Mitch. I flew into his arms and felt another set of arms grab a hold of me and escort me quickly out of the house in silence. We hurried to Mitch's car and he handed the key's to Kirstie who got in the drivers seat. Mitch and I climbed in the back and scooted over a far as we could go. He held me and stroked my hair as I sobbed loudly. A minute later we saw Avi and Kevin running for the car. Avi got in the front and Kevin squeezed in next to Mitch and I. "GO GO GO!!!!" Avi yelled and Kirtsie floored it, screeching the tires. I felt Kevin's hand rubbing my back and I tried to stop crying. And then I think I fell asleep again.


"How's he doing?" A voice said. It was a familiar voice. It was very deep. Avi. 

"I think he'll be ok. I can't believe I let that happen!" That was Mitch.

"Don't blame youself. You couldn't have known. Besides I'm the one who left him alone." Kevin said. 

"And I'm the one who got him drunk to begin with!" Kirstie seemed very upset. I just wanted them to be quiet. My head hurt so bad! 

"Could you keep it down..." I groaned and they were instantly at my side. 

"Scott! Oh my god how are you feeling?" Mitch asked intently.

"My head hurts." 

"Well you did have a lot to drink..." Kirstie explained.

"No...James did it." I closed my eyes again. I remembered him slamming my head against the floor a few times.

"What did he do?" Kevin asked leaning closer to me.

"He slammed my head against the floor a few times. Now will you be QUIET!" I winced in pain when I raised my voice.

"Oh shit. Scott you probably should see a doctor." Kevin went to grab my arm and pull me up but I shook him off me. 

"No. No hospitals, no doctors. Just let me sleep."

"It's ok guys I'll make sure he's ok." Mitch said but they refused to leave.

The last thing I remember is listening to Mitch tell them they could stay over for the night. 

Mmmm...I smell coffee? Yes definatly coffee. I jumped out of bed...bad idea. I got dizzy and fell to the floor with a loud thud. The door opened and Mitch rushed in my room. "Scott! Oh my god are you ok? What happened?!" He reached down and helped me up. I put my arm around his shoulder to steady myself. "I'm ok, I just got dizzy, got up to fast...." I blinked and shook my head to clear the fogginess. He helped me out to the dining room and there sat Avi, Kevin and Kirstie sipping coffee. 

"Hey how are you?" Kirstie asked immediately pouring me some coffee. 

"Headache...but ok." I said sitting down. I took a sip of coffee and it was just what I needed. "So if you don't mind me asking...what exactly happened last night? I remember being shoved into my moms car by Alex and James, and then I remember waking up at home with them. You guys came in and got me out...but what about everything in between?" I was a little confused by what happened.

"Well Kevin came up to me at the party and said you needed me so I walked over to the coch but you weren't there. I started to freak out and we all started looking for you. I heard you screaming my name and I ran outside just as I saw Alex, Travis and James putting you in the car." Assholes! I wanted to find them and kick the shit out of them...although I could never actually do that. 

"Mitch knew where you lived and we rean to his car and went after you. When we got there I wanted to just break in and kick their asses but Mitch had a better idea. He made an annonymous call saying there were people using a whole lot of drugs and gave them your address." Kevin explained.

"Yeah so we waited until we heard the sirens before we broke in and knocked them both out. They had the drugs laying out on the table too so hopefully by now they've been arrested." Kirstie finished. Wow I had awesome friends!

"You did all that for me?" I was shocked but very grateful.

"Of course Scott!" Mitch walked over to me and sat on my lap. "I love you more than anything Scott. I would do anything for you!" He kissed me and we heard Kirstie say "AWE..."

I truely had the best friends ever. 

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