Chapter 16: Help

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Chapter 16: Help

"Hey Mitch? Can I ask you something?" 

"Sure Scotty what is it?" He turned to face me. We were sitting in bed, I was lost in thought and he was reading. I was thinking about what happened with James earlier that day and something was nagging at me.

"Well, earlier when James found me...I saw you were read to fight but you seemed...hesitant, while I'm glad you didn't have to fight...why didn't you try to? I mean you weren't hesitant to fight Alex...." Personally I didn't want to see him fight because of the possibility of him getting hurt but I just wanted to know what he was thinking during the whole thing. He thought a moment and then let out a long sigh.

"I didn't fight him because I was scared." I raised an eyebrow at him curiously. He never seemed scared to me, he was always so confident.

"I wasn't scared of HIM, I was scared that I would lose control like I almost did with Alex. It kind of freaked me out when that happen Scott, if you hadn't pulled me off him I wouldn't have stopped. So I really didn't want that to happen again." Mitch hung his head in guilt. I raised his head and brought my lips to his. 

"What was that for?" He was smiling from ear to ear.

"That was for protecting me. I don't care that you lost control with Alex and I honestly wouldn't care if you lost ALL control with James...but I completely understand what you're saying. I just wanted to know what was going through your head. I'm so lucky to have you in my life." I kissed him again and he giggled.

"I love you Scott Hoying!"


After the episode with James I was so paranoid all the time that they would be there waiting for me, even though it had been a few weeks with no incident. Mitch wouldn't let me go out of the school unless he was with me just in case and I was grateful for him being there for me. I walked out of my last class to meet Mitch at his locker and passed Kirstie and Avi on the way. They waved to me and I returned the wave, though I don't think I would even get used to them being nice to me. "Hey babe!" I said happily wrapping my arms around Mitch's waist. He turned around and pecked my lips. 

"Heeeeey!" He seemed happy but I could tell something was up. 

"What is it Mitch?" I asked concerned. He looked up at me and then smiled.

"I got a job." 

"A job? Where?"

"Here actually. I'll be cleaning classrooms right after school, starting today...and my shift is 3:30 to 8." He looked at me nervously. Wait, so he was telling me I would be going home alone? 

"Oh, that's really cool Mitch...but that means I'll have to go home alone?" That made me scared. I was happy Mitch got a job, and I didn't want to seem too clingy but...I needed him. God I'm so clingy. Mitch's face dropped a little and he nodded. "I'd let you take my car home and then pick me up later but it's not a good idea when you don't have a could get pulled over for the dumbest thing and then be in loads of trouble, But I also don't want you walking by yourself...I'm sorry. It's just, my trust fund won't last forever and I have to think about college and how I'm going to pay for it, not to mention supporting you while you finish highschool. I really need this job." He said almost like he was begging for my permission. He didn't have to ask my permission for anything. I know he had been looking for a job for a while and I know how important it is to him.

"Mitch it's fine. I know you need the job and once Im old enough I'll get one too. I'll be alright walking home alone..." I tried to sound confident but he saw right through it. Damn it Scott, why can't you be better at lieing.

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