Chapter III - The Melody

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Word count: 1310

After class, Clementine went to a drive-thru to buy 20 pieces of chicken nuggets, all for Violet. She even made sure that it really has 20 nuggets or else, Violet will break her neck.

When she arrived at her house, she saw Violet opening the front door... which has 10 locks. She just got home from tennis training after school.

"Thank you, Lee. I'll send you a message. Take care." Clementine told Lee as she put on her sunglasses and went out of the car. "Take care, sweet pea." And Lee drove off.

"Vi! I have your nuggets." Clementine said loudly to Violet when she approached her. "Bitch what the fuck! You scared me. Press the doorbell first." Violet was startled by her.

"Umm we're both outside."

"I know, I mean...lower your voice, you're not that far away."

"Whatever, just cook me some fries."

When they got inside, Clementine sat at her sofa. "Why do you have so many locks? As if there's something interesting inside your house." she asked while Violet took the nuggets she put on the table.

"Did I ever ask you what's the meaning of 'D' on your hat?" Violet asked back while raising an eyebrow. "" Clementine answered her with confusion.

"Then don't ask about my locks or I'm not cooking your damn fries." Violet cockily replied and went to the kitchen to prepare for food.

After a few minutes, Violet came back with a plate of nuggets and fries. "I don't know why you asked me to cook you fries when you could have just bought them in the fast food with the nuggets."

"Well, you said you'll cook for me. And your fries are better." Clementine replied and smiled.

"You got any good shit to tell me today? What happened to the ball?" Violet started as she munched her nuggets.

"Oh my god, I don't even wanna think about it." Clementine retorted, mentally face-palming. The ball was probably one of her worst nights. She hates embarrassing herself, especially to a lot of people.

"I fell while dancing with Gabe." she confessed.

"You what---" Violet laughed as she imagined what happened last night. She instantly regretted not attending the event, feeling like she missed a lot, aside from not talking to Minnie. Clementine glared at her and threw a piece of fries.

"Shit, I wish I came. I mean, why? Of all people, you? Fell? And while dancing with Gabe?" Violet emphasized his name, she is in actual disbelief. She even dropped a piece of her food. Violet won't be surprised if it was Gabe, but Clementine? Knowing Clementine for a long time, it's impossible to knock her down. 

"Well I-- it's better than just sitting on the chair getting bored. I was distracted by something, or someone." Clementine retorted.

"But Gabriel's existence is already boring so... what distracted you anyway and you suddenly become a clumsy dumb dancer?" Violet asked once again.

"Uhh, well, I was watching this man from the group of musicians. I don't even know why either."

Violet cackled at her, "Who?"

"Louis Smith." she plainly answered.

Violet's mouth fell agape, another nugget of her dropped on the floor. She can't believe the shocking teas Clementine's telling her today. "Louis Smith?!"

"Yeah, you know him?"

"He's currently my classmate. We're friends along with the other boy with a dead cat-like hair named Marlon." Violet answered and took another piece of a nugget, she's on her 12th piece now.

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