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A few hours later...

"Your friend is going to be fine, thankfully for the fast notice, non of the alphas in the school senced his heat and thankfully the alpha you spoke of pushed him away." The nurse said as he stood up and throw the used medicine for Kunan. "Here are the pills, eat it atleast for this week and he will be good."

"Thanks, doc." I thanked him before he turn around and hid the bed with the curtains.

I looked at Kunan. He faced the opposite direction I sat at, sadly sobbing. Should I say something? Or should I just keep queit until he slowly falls asleep.


I ignored the second option.

"Kunan...." I said holding his shoulder.

"It must be nice." He said. He didnt turn to look at me, but I knew he smiled forcefully. "To have someone who dearly loves you."

I stayed quiet. My memories stabbing back to where Zebbie told me about Ian getting married to a girl in a Ganeki company. Stop, those are just rumours. Its not true. I hope its not true. Ian promised me he loved me. If he leaves me.

Where would I run off to?

"Kunan, he needs to push you away." I said. "If he bit you--"

"I could be his forever--but he didnt want to--so he didnt do it, right?" Kunan forced a laugh.

I didnt answer him thinking a back to the situation.

"...Im going to leave Japan soon..." Kunan confessed. I looked at his back shock. "My mother said, if I cant find a partner by our senior ends, I will go back to Dubai and marry a man,

She set me up with." He cried. "But I dont want to, because I love Jeromie.."

He sobbed quietly as he held in his hiccup coming out. Suddenly the nurse came back with eyes of fear. I stood up stuttered, Kunan faced my side and rised half his body up.

"Please, leave." He muttered. I gave a questionable looked. I backed away. Behind him was standing a student.

Katsugi Hiro. A senior like us. An alpha.

He was twitching. He held the nurse's hand and I knew what they were.

"Kunan, lets go." I said. I help Kunan up and the nurse mouth out a thank you.

"Whats happening?" Kunan asked.

"I think that alpha was on heat. Katsugi-san." I said. We went to the hallways. I looked at the clock and it was cleaning time.

"Why didnt Katsugi-san reacted to any of my hormones?" Kunan asked.

"Because he already has a mate." I said. "I mean when the nurse turn I knew he was an omega, by the bite on his neck. Katsugi-san is pretty early for choosing a life time partner." I muttered.

We walked quietly through the halls and fast running footsteps echoed the halls finally bumping and hugging Kunan, it was Zebbie.

"You know how worried I was?!" Zebbie cried. Behind her was a girl with short-length of male-hair. She wore a hoddied jacket and black jeans. Her aura gave out a very strong alpha aura. "Oh!" She realized.

"Um.. I want you guys to meet my honey, Haruga Misaki!" She smiled going towards Haruga and hugging her arm.

Kunan bowed and I did the same.

"Where is Jeromie?" Kunan asked. She looked at Haruga and looked down." I found out that Jeromie liked me...and when he cant control himself he conciously told me his feelings and that time Misaki was there. She injected the medicine on Jeromie and I explained who she is to me.

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