Slytherin Bad Boy's Long Lasting Love For a Gryffindor Good Girl

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~'~'~'Written in 2018 about Blaise Zabini's love for Ginny Weasley.'~'~'~

He loved her,

She didn't know,

He was darkness,

She didn't know it but she was his light,

They grew up side by side ever since they were five,

Little did they know that they'll always be in each other's lives,

He hid his feelings,

She didn't know,

He would hurt her and she was hurt,

Little did she know that he was hurt too,

He was hurt every time she was hurt,

She meant the world to him but he couldn't afford to have her. It would only break her,

He was ice,

She was fire,

He was a hater,

She was a lover,

He was a Slytherin bad boy,

She was a Gryffindor good girl,

He was a noble, high-class Pure-Blood,

She was a hand-me-down, low-class Blood Traitor,

To his  kind she wasn't good enough for him,

To him he wasn't good enough for her,

He loved her but no one knew,

All because he felt that no one would understand that his love was true,

Once they grew up and had jobs,

They met again,

She found him fighting someone who was insulting her,

She found him revealing to the hater how much he loved her,

She simply melted,

And that was when she realized that she loved him,

And this is how Ginerva Weasley-Zabini met her soulmate, the love of her life, her beloved husband, Blaise Zabini and how she realized that she was in love with him. How they get together? That is a totally different story.


Poetess's Note: If you want a part two of how they got together  let me know. Also inform me in who's P.O.V. you want to read it from.

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