Chapter one - wait what !?!

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Me and haru sit under the shade of the tree awaiting the arival of our old friend rin when he finally appers from the exit of our small school we are able to start our long poseponed lunch .

"You took your time " i jest ,pulling out a pb and J sandwich ( my family is american ) Rin holds an average cheese and cucumber sandwich in one hand and a juice box in the other where as haru presents a small bento box wich holds none other than his iconic macril salad .

"How can you eat that ?" I ask

Though I already know the answer ( haru spends alot of time with his grandmother and doesnt like to bug her and macrel being the only thing he can make without killing himself we are left with it and some lettuce tomatos and sliced apple peaces ) .

I snach an apple peace from his box and chomp it down before he can react , not that he minds.

"SO what took you so long shark Boy?" I like to tease rin on account of his razer sharp fangs he claims to be regular teeth .

"Just had to change the school register with sensai" Rin mumbles with a full mouth .

"Huh why" strange did he change his name or something.

"N-never mind" Rin stutters stuffing the second half of his sandwich in his mouth .

I see haru flick an annoyed look at rin before turning back to his boxed lunch.

"You guys are strange " they really are.

After lunch we finish up our final lesson then its the end of school i say good bye to haru before i begin my long wait for rin at the school gate. Half an hour later he walks out of the school waveing to our teacher she says something about missing him loads , strange wonder what she means or maybe he's just ger favorite today,who knows.

"Dom dom daaaaa"I sing

"(Y/N) what are you doing " Rin looks at me concerned .

"I should be asking you rin-Chan " i say rubbing my chin.

"Your so weird" He laughs

"Heey says the one going out with our teacher" i say teasingly sticking out my tounge.

"W-what i don't like our teacher ... I like you " he mumbles the second half but i catch him out.

My face turns a bright red to match his.

"Ewww look at the couple" two snot nose kids ride there bikes past us snortting and laughing .(i know im a kid too but God they tick me off )

"Hey come back here and say it to my face" i shout causing one to swerve into a garbage can.

"Hahaha serves you right butt head" i cry .

I look to rin but his head is still down his cheaks dusted crimson .

" Hey Rin snap out of it " i call to him but he dosnt move.walking over i notice a stray tear on the side of his cheek.huh?

"H-Hey Rin please dont cry look i Ummm im sorry i teased you about senesi" i whisper stroking the tear away but it is soon followed by more . Rin suddenly grabs my hand and look me dead in the eye.

"(Y/N) ... I - I need to tell you something "

"Ok what is it , i can take it im a big girl "

( NTS: thats guna bite you in the butt later on )

Rin takes a deep breath .

" D-do you like me ?"he ask shakely.

"WHAT OF COURSE I DO IDIOT !!! Why are you getting so upset over something so obvious?"

"Really!?!" He so anxious

"Well daaa you're one of my best friends" what a fool.

"No no no I mean like like me like waifu" he yells a little over the top.

my eyes grow wide and my face and ears turn red ,how did he know ,well its probably ovious since i spend all my time with him and haru and the ocasional Makoto but still.

"Y-yes" i squeek

"Good i like no i love you and i want you too promise me something." Wait did he just say he loved me im only a kid geezey ok Breathe .

"W-whats that? that being the promise that is ,wow i say that way too much that a problem hehe that was cheesy hehe "

Rin smerks and leans foward guving me an inocent kiss on the forhead both our faces burn bright as we turn away from each other even though he still holds my hand.

"P-promise me that when where older y-you will be wife OK?"

"OK!!" I say a little too loudly . But Seriously why all this now i mean wont things be awkward tomorrow ?

"G-good thats sorted ill see you then" Rin release my hand and starts to run home i turn to look at him he is already far down the road when he suddenly turns and shouts

"ill be back soon okay! " waving his hand high in the air I do the same and reply

"Okay ...You better hurry!" i see him smile before turning to continue his sprint. Woow cant wait to see harus reaction when i tell him what just happend.

~time skip to tommorow~

"Hey haru guess what" i say cheerfuly skipping towards him and makoto. I slow my pace when i notice there sad faces then I realise

"Hey wheres Rin " Makoto looks at me puzzled then mutters something to Haru . Haru then Stands and approches me .

"Rins is gone" he states blankly.

"What are you talking about?" But he isnt left time to explain as my sensai cuts our conversation short with an overly entusiastic notice.

"Ok class i have very Big news ...Rin has gone all the way to Australia the land down under now can anyone show me on...." NO this cant be , he was just here , why didnt he tell me .

" Rin is gone " i say to myself "NO way"

To be continued ...

Heey so this is my second fan fic it sucks i know im not very good at writting down my ideas and im sure youve realised my spelling sucks just as hard even with english as my first and only language I still cant type any way if anyone reads this ill need at least ONE COMMENT TO CONTINUE its like my food ma motovation yo any way yeah thats it . Byeee


Gossip girl

Jk its me ⊙ω⊙

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