1st day of ageplay part 3

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Zach's pov
Well, this is nice and calm. Me, Jacky, Jonnie and Bean just watching TV. I'm really enjoying it. Well, I was until Jack gets bored. He stands up and walks over to me. "Play?" Jack asked me sweetly. "No." I said nicely shaking my head. "Play?" He begged me. I shook my head, again. He got mad and yanked me of the couch by arm. I fell onto my knees. "Ow!" I yelled in pain and holding my arm. Bean grabbed Jack's wrist and took him upstairs, while Jonah helped me up. "Where does it hurt, bubba?" Jonah asked me. "My arm." I said sadly and holding it. It hurts so much. He kissed my arm and sat back down on the couch with me on his lap. I snuggled my head into his chest. He kissed the top of my head. Jonnie started to gently rub my arm.

Corbyn's pov
"Your so mean, Jack." I said strictly. I smacked his butt 3 times. He gave me a death glare. "Take that glare off your face." I said crossing my arms. "Make me." Jack said before running off. "Jack!" I yelled angrily and running after him. He ran into his and Zach's room. He started to climb his crib bars. "Jack, no." I said worriedly and lifting him of the bars. "Put me down!" He yelled angrily and kicking his legs. I put him down and he runs downstairs. I make sure I'm right behind him because, 1. I don't want him falling down the stairs and 2. I don't want him being mean to Zach, again. Jack walked into the living room where Jonah and Zach was. Then I heard a yell and then crying. I ran down the rest of the stairs and into the living room to see Jack crying on the floor and Jonah holding Zach's hand. "What happened?" I asked picking Jack up and he laid his head on my shoulder and was still crying. "Zach pushed him over because, he was mean to him earlier." Jonah explained. I sat down on the couch with Jack on my lap still crying into my shoulder. Jonah took Zach into the kitchen. I kissed Jack's cheek and he smiled slightly.

Jonah's pov
"I can't believe you did that." I said to Zach strictly. "Sowwy." He apologized sadly. I sighed and smacked his butt 3 times. "Ow." He whined. "You can't hurt people just because they hurt you." I told him. He nodded and looked down at the floor. I kissed his forehead and we walked back to the living room. I sat down on the couch with Zach next to me. I'm not exactly sure what was on the TV but, whatever. I decided to go through Instagram and saw someone asked when our next song is coming out. I sighed and realized that we actually do need to write a new song. "Corbyn, I think it's time we write a new song." I whispered to him. He nodded in agreement. "Ok, Zach I'm gonna go do something and Corbyn will be making dinner." I tell him. He nods and me and Corbyn go and do our things. Corbyn starts making Mac and cheese and I plan our new song. I decided to call it Unbelievable. Now I need lyrics. This has always been the hardest part.

Jack's pov
Me and Zachy were watching this cartoon show, I don't know what it's called. I started getting bored so I grabbed the remote. "No, I like it." Zach said. "Well, I don't." I said changing the channel. "I hate Paw patrol." Zach said crossing his arms. He snatched the remote out of my hand and puts on Rory the racing car. (A/N: I don't know how many people know that show but, for some reason I used to like it lol.) Zach smiled and started to watch the show. Not for long though. I tried to snatch the remote from him but he held it very tightly. I whined and tried grabbing it, again. "Stop it, Jacky." He told me rudely. "Your mwean and rude." I told him crossing my arms. "Shush." He said. I was getting upset by his rudeness. I climbed of the couch and ran to find Bean. "Bean, Zachy is being mwean to me." I tell him. "How?" He asks. "He telling me to shush and he snatched the wemote from me." I explained. Bean went into the living room followed by me. "Zach, I hear your not being nice." Bean said putting his hands on his hips. "I don't like Jacky's shows and I want to be able to hear mine." Zach explained sadly. "Give me the remote." Bean said. Zach sighed and gave him the remote. He turned the TV off. "If you can't share then you can't watch TV." He said before putting the remote in his back pocket. He walked back into the kitchen. I sat next to Zachy on the couch. "Sowy, Jacky." Zachy apologizes. "Its ok." I say. We quickly hug each other before, he goes to play with his fire truck. I go and play with my football figures. About 15 minutes later, I hear Bean call us. We get up and run into the kitchen. "What's for dinner?" I asked sweetly. "Mac and cheese." He replied putting the plates on the table. I see Jonnie walk in and Zachy runs up to him. What a weirdo. Why's he so attached to Jonnie? "Jonnie!" He yells happily. "Hi, bubba." He says smiling. He picks Zachy up and cuddles him. He sits on Jonnie's lap and starts eating his dinner. Bean sits down next to Jonnie and I sit on Bean's lap. I also start eating my dinner. After dinner, Jonnie carries Zachy upstairs for a bath.

Zach's pov
Bath time! I love baths, their so fun. Jonnie started to run my bath while I sat on the toilet lid. While it was running, Jonnie grabbed a fluffy, warm towel from the towel bin. He put them on the counter and then undressed me. He places me in the bathtub. I giggle and play with my toy boat. "Bubbles?" I asked cutely. Jonnie nods and puts some bubble mix in my bath. "Bubbles!" I yelled happily. Jonah puts some bubbles on my nose making us laugh. I then sneezed, making the bubbles fly of my nose. I giggled and Jonah smiled at me. "Ok bubba, I need to wash you." Jonnie said kneeling down next to the bath. He started washing me which was really relaxing. When he finished, he lifted me out and wrapped me up in the towel. He dried me and put a pull up on. He then put some Mickey mouse pyjamas on me. I yawned and Jonnie put me in my crib. "Here you go, bubba." He said giving me a pacifier. I placed it in my mouth and fell asleep.

Word count: 1,183

Heyyyyyy guys! This is my longest chapter so far. I think it is. Until the next chapter, bye people!

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