On tour the journey

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So, my friend Kaikai_Zonah she saw my story and said I'm allowed to use a few of her ideas so, that's what I'm gonna do in this chapter. Obviously it's not gonna be identical. Hope you enjoy!

Jonah's pov
Me and Zach are back from Brazil and literally a week later we're now going on tour so, I packed our suitcases and of course, my backpack with Zach's pacifier, two spare diapers, spare pair of jeans and his stuffed kitty. It's currently 6.30pm an hour before Zach's bedtime. But, since we have to wake up at 5.30am I decided to put him to bed now. "Come on, Zach." I say as I pick him up out of his high chair. "Why bed now?" He asks confused. "Because, tomorrow we're going on tour and we have to wake up at 5.30am." I explain to him. He nods and lays his head on my shoulder. I place him on the changing table and change his diaper and put him in his monkey onesie. I kiss his cheek and lay him down in his crib before leaving his room. I go into my room and climb into bed and fall asleep. I was awoken by my alarm at 5.30am. Right, we have to leave in 2 hours. I have a shower, got dressed and brushed my hair. I then head into Zach's room to see him fast asleep, sucking on his pacifier. I'm gonna pack that pacifier too. Just in case he losses the other one. I pick him up and he whines and lays his head on my shoulder. "Zach, wake up." I tell him shaking him slightly. He slowly opens his eyes and I take his pacifier out of his mouth. I put it in my backpack with his other things. I set him on the changing table and he looks at me. Right, now to get him big. "Zach, I need you to be big for me now." I tell him and he starts to cry. "No, shhhhhh, don't cry. Bubba, calm down." I say gently and picking him up. I decided to change his diaper and put him in a pull up and black skinny jeans and a grey hoodie. "Come on. Time to be big now." I tell him and he whines. "Ok, Zach?" I ask. "No." He says full of attitude. Ok, he's definitely big now. We walk downstairs and have breakfast. After we finished, we went to brush our teeth. Zach took a quick shower and then brushed his hair. I checked the time and saw it was 7.20am. I put my deodorant on and checked that I had everything in my backpack. I then put my wallet, headphones and charger in there. I slipped my phone in my pocket. I went into Zach's room to see him putting his deodorant on. "Zach, do you wanna take your phone and stuff?" I ask him and he nods. I get his wallet, phone, headphones and charger out of his room and put them in my backpack. "Ok, all your stuff is in my backpack." I tell him. "Why?" He asks confused. "Just in case you slip I know where all your stuff is." I reply and he nods. There was a knock at the door and me and Zach grabbed our suitcases and head downstairs. I slip my backpack on my back and answer the door. There was Daniel smiling. "Hey!" We say at the same time. We laughed and head out to the van. Me and Zach put our suitcases in the boot of the van and head into the van. Jack and Corbyn were sitting in the middle, Daniel in the front with our driver and us in the back. Our first show is today so, we're heading to the arena. The arena is on the outskirts of California. It's apparently a 4 hour drive. So we're gonna be there at around 11.30am. "Jonah can I have my phone please?" Zach asks. "Ok, don't look at the hate though." I tell him and I give him his phone. He starts texting his friends and playing some games. Suddenly, thunder boomed and Zach and Jack screamed. Zach hid into my chest, Jack doing the same to Corbyn. "It's ok, Zach. Your safe in here." I say gently. Suddenly really hard rain hammered down onto the van. I could barely hear Corbyn speaking to Jack. There was a lot of traffic because of the weather. I hear Zach crying and then more thunder boomed, causing Jack to start crying. Corbyn's trying to comfort him. "Jonnie where pacifier and kitty?" I hear Zach ask. Oh no! He slipped! I hand him his kitty and pacifier. "Tank you." He says through his tears. I see Corbyn give Jack his pacifier meaning, that he's also slipped. This isn't going too well. Luckily, Zach's wearing a pull up so, he I don't have to change him right now. He was snuggling into me and crying harshly. "Shhhh, calm down, bubba." I say gently and rubbing his back. He didn't stop. "Your gonna be sick is you keep crying." I tell him. Ugh, why does there have to be traffic?!

Word count: 893

Ok, there's gonna be a part 2 to this sometime this week or maybe next week. Until the next chapter,  bye people!

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