Going to Brazil

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Jonah's pov
Today, is the first day of the summer holidays. Me and Zach are going on holiday to Brazil. We're all packed and ready to go. It's currently 5.00am and, for some reason, it's 7 degrees. Not exactly warm it's kinda chilly. I put mine and Zach's suitcase in the boot and strap a sleeping Zach into his car seat. I drive to the airport. Our plane leaves at 5.45am it's a half and hour drive there. When we arrived at the airport, I parked the car, grabbed the suitcases and grabbed a still fast asleep Zach. It's so early and the airport is so crowded. We wait for our plane we have 15 minutes. I go on my phone and telling the boys that I'll see them in two weeks. "Flight 48 to Brazil is boarding at gate A." The lad said through the intercom. I grab our stuff and make my way there. I gave the people mine and Zach's suitcases and took my backpack on the plane. I say down and placed Zach in the seat next to me. I put a blanket over him and put his stuffed kitten next to him. Before I knew it, we were taking off. Brazil, here we come! About 2 hours into the journey, Zach woke up. "Hi, bubba, did you sleep well?" I ask my sleepy baby boy. He nods and rubs his eyes. He's just too cute sometimes. I move the armrest back and Zach instantly leans against me, cuddling into his stuffed kitten and blanket. When we arrived in Brazil, we walked through security and ordered and Uber to our Villa. When we got there, I was amazed! I didn't think it would look this good! Zach and me wheel our suitcases up to the front door. I unlocked it and we enter! Oh my gosh, its gorgeous! This must be a 5 stars Villa. Me and Zach look around the place before unpacking our things. I can tell that this is gonna be soooooo much fun.

Word count: 356

I think this chapter is terrible! Until the next chapter, bye people!

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