Prologue: Backstories

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Jin's Backstory:

A teenage girl named "Jin Ashington", everybody loved her, especially her parents. Jin Ashington, a girl who lives in the City of Light, training hard, studies, listens to her parents, she was a kind loving girl, but it was different when the assassins arrived. The assassins tricked them, destroyed their lands and homes, slaughtered every single fighter in the city. Jin's dad tried to save his loving wife and daughter, in a way he sacrificed his life for them, while Jin watching him die slowly. Jin and her mom escaped and never came back to the City of Light, so they decided to look for a nearby city to start a new life there, even if they had to carry the most painful, unforgettable, unforgivable memories.

Jade's Backstory:

A teenage girl named "Jade Dauntless", no one has ever praised her, her father hated her. Jade Dauntless, a girl with a sad and lonely life. She lives among the assassins in the City of Darkness, using her time for training and studying, as if she never did anything fun for the rest of her childhood. Whenever she does something wrong in training, her dad throws her outside the house to get scratches and wounds from the demonic dogs, which can possibly kill her. After the assassins took over the City of Light, the God of War came, Jade's father welcomed him, told him that the job is finished, but the God of War only slashed Jade's father with the huge shadow claw scythe. Jade's father suddenly died and turned into ashes, Jade was really terrified on what she saw. The God of War crafted her 2 shadow claw scythes, which is very dark and dangerous to use, the God of War was hoping for her to become a very skillful and useful war assassin just like her father. Jade didn't say a thing, but just ran away from the City of Darkness, carrying 2 shadow claw scythes, looking for a nearby city to start a new life, but will still keep training, for her to be prepared one day.

Reggie's Backstory:

A teenage boy named "Reggie Alison" , girls likes him by the way he looks. His family is one of the most richest families in Ember City, he usually skips classes, flirts with lots of girls, fails in every class, and his parents forces the professors to make him stay in school no matter what, even if Reggie is very careless and everything. He and his parents decided to move to a different city and find a new school for him, but it was also because they heard about what happened to the City of Light, which scared them and thought Ember City might be next target.

Ishizu's Backstory:

A teenage boy named "Ishizu Graysun", no one pretty much has interests on him since he's the nerd in his school. Bullies, bully him a lot at school, but he doesn't mind it at all, his parents are the only ones who supports whatever he does, they praise him a lot since he has never failed at every classes, he's the top 1 student at his school, although he never does much training since he's not a fighting type, but he does know a lot about attacks and moves of a fighter. A year later, when Ishizu graduated, he and his parents decided to move to a different city for a new school for Ishizu, since he's sometimes getting distracted by everybody at his school, bullying him.


Chapter 1 will be next, I only started with the prologue for their backstories, for all of you, readers, to understand more of the characters in the story. I hope you, readers, enjoyed reading the prologue :)

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