I TOOK MY EXAMMM😰😰 anddd im sorta sad🤭

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Okay so I took my AP exam today my dudes!! If u don't know what ap is it stands for advanced placement and its basically just a college class that you can take in high school, but at the end you have to take a really big test to see if u get the college credit and you dont find out if u passed until July😒
I actually feel like a did really good!! I'm worried that I'm gonna get it back and have failed after telling my family and the internet I think it went well lmaoo
BUT even if i did horrible I studied my ass off so idc

Also I'm sorry I haven't written in a while. There's just been a lot of drama in my friend group and it's hard to explain but my home just doesn't feel like home anymore. I've just been growing apart from most of my family and it's really hard to live somewhere where you don't feel comfortable being yourself. A lot the stress comes from being bi but being too afraid to come out.
I cant give an explanation that does it justice butttt I've basically just been very stressed and sad lately even though therapy helps it's still hard to deal with and everything else took the back burner including writing

Anyway ya'll should tell me a story in the comments! Cheer me up because I miss u guys and I'm just not lovin life at the moment🤷🏼‍♀️

Oh and I downloaded the pic of Clem w the bi flag from a tumblr blog a while ago so it's not my editing(sorry it was a while ago so idk who made it to give credit)

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