Chapter 8

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As mornings go, this wasn't one she liked. In fact, Kaya figured this to be the top of her top ten worst mornings to date, including the days of captivity. The two siblings she came to love as family were staring at her as they yelled covered profanities. Children were eating breakfast at the table.

"I don't see the problem. Boss is a dear friend of mine."

Jaz gritted her teeth. She was unbelievable. Utterly unbelievable. "How about the fact he's a da...b. Dab Demon?" The artist looked at the kids, hoping none of their mothers caught her slip up.

Kaya rolled her eyes, leaning over the countertop. "And the fact I'm a dual means I can't be friends with him?" She was again wearing the white sundress that Jazzy had given her. The brother of said boss was leaning against the door frame, also gritting his teeth, with flashing eyes that promised an argument later on that day.

Jaz threw her hands in the air, saying as gravity took hold and brought both arms back to her sides, "Exactly! Thank you!"

The little boy from the second week Kaya spent as a wolf came bounding up, holding a bowl above his golden curls. "Why can't be friends with dab demons?" His brown eyes widened while the pearly white buckteeth sunk into his lower lip. "They play too!"

The smile that lit up Kaya's face had Ian's heart melting. He didn't want her to go to the spiritless monsters' house, he didn't want her to be in the man's presence whatsoever. Not just because of their shared history of pain and violence, but also because of her history of pain and violence. Briefly, his eyes met his sisters and he noted the sorrow in their depths.

That monster had a lot to answer for.

Everyone watched as the now human Kaya leaned down and tucked a curl out of Tiny's face. She grabbed the bowl and placed it on the counter before running her fingers through the tangled mess and grabbing both his hands. "You are right, little one. Being friends with those who play fair is fine, even if they are unlike us." The two foreheads met, and each set of brown eyes bore into the other. Tiny's face broke out in a cheesy grin as Kaya whispered, "You are too cute, Tiny." and she kissed his cheek before standing up and looking at the siblings.

"Children accept anything. If you give me one reason why I can't go talk with Boss that I agree with, then the matter is done." Jaz and Ian shared another look where Jazzy shook her head and walked off. Kaya nodded but narrowed her eyes.

Keys in her hand, helmet borrowed from Jermoni and wearing clothes better fitted for a motorbike jaunt, Kaya shoved her braid into the back of her shirt before climbing on to the machine. "I'll be back tonight, don't worry." Of course, she'll be back, they were going to be here. Any day now. Soon.

The engine revved once, a way of saying 'bye', before she released the throttle and shot forward down the dirt path that acted as a road. Ian and Ramone stared at the trail of dirt left behind, waiting until the dust settled before turning away and walking back in.

Coming back into the city after nearly a month of being forest side, Kaya felt a little weird. Especially since everything was ten times more powerful. The smells were assaulting, strong enough to keel her over. The wind stung like a bitch, painful even through the tough material of her clothes. Her ears picked up conversations half a mile away, making concentrating all the more difficult. But her eyesight was ten times better as well, allowing every moment to slow and give her an advance reaction time. That was how it went through the city streets.

The first stop was the warehouse of hers, which hadn't been disturbed at all. Four chairs centered around the beat-up coffee table, barrels still acting like tables, and the clock that skipped four minutes into the future. Her fingers dug into the faded daybed as she leaned down sans helmet to look beneath the furniture. Pulling out the bag she used to escape all those times, Kaya heaved it up onto the bed and began packing up. Once she saved that odd pack of her mate's, she was leaving. There was no way for her to stay when those creatures were still in existence.

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