Chapter 12

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Morning rays landed on the exhausted form of a much-loved native. Sheets were tangled everywhere, hanging off the edge and lazily caressing the ground. Moonlight had had drifted further up the form coming across a black strand of hair for the first time . . . and the curse took hold, expanding up and up until the roots were gone as well.

Greying eyes fluttered open as the morning sun dazzled behind them, and Kaya sat up, stretching her sore body tenderly. Some of her bumps and bruises were changing color, darkening as the blood pooled beneath the tender skin. Her stitches ached and all she wanted was a hot shower and a hot breakfast.

Her eyes landed on her bare stomach where the melee of hair strands settled. The stark color was even more prominent against the tan of her skin. She sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples.

It was going to be a long day.

Feet flattened on the wood floors, slow at taking the native's weight as she stood to dress. In the hallway, her orange eyes met those of her twins, flicking to the top of his head and back in a flash.

She searched her twin's eyes, looking for something. At this point, both would have secluded themselves away. It made sense, for venturing out on the day of the full moon meant questions. Questions were dangerous, as Kaya had learned the hard way.

"Is this smart?" Kaya questioned.

"They know more than they should." Was the reply. Nodding, the twins set for the stairs and descended.

Breakfast hour was complex. Children were hustled out of the way as they screamed and cried for attention and food. Mothers would walk in and out of the swinging doors every few seconds, carrying bowls of cereal or plates of scrambled eggs or pancakes. Some carried out boxed juices to pass around. None of them appeared to notice the twins.

Kaya pushed her way through the swinging door and into the large amount of people playfully arguing with each other to hurry so they could eat. Ameli had outdone herself with breakfast, lining the bar with a dozen plates of various treats.

Tamin hadn't followed. He stood at the base of the stairs, sweating. The zap of electricity wouldn't let him move. Hazel eyes swung around and around the room, darting from one formless face to another until landing on the one he sought: Jazzy.

Any indication that Jazzy felt the zap was swallowed beneath a stubborn façade, which Tamin saw behind. His feet took him forth, stumbling around the members of his mates' family less gracefully than his twin. Jaz was stubbornly ignoring his advance.

And he sat down on the overstuffed couch, shifting slightly towards her and away from her. Finally, her eyes connected with his and Tamin knew. "How long has it been since you lost him?" The question hung in the air . . .

Kaya was trying hard to not get noticed. She wanted to drag her hair into a bun and stuff it all beneath the old grey beanie she'd foregone a month prior.

No luck had she once Ian's eyes landed on her face, a broadening grin making her smile in return. He walked forward to crush her in a hug, careful of the stitches on her shoulder, and as he twisted handfuls of her hair between his tapered fingers, he whispered, "Good morning, mate."

Her tinkling giggle warmed him with joy. The strands of hair he brought with his hand as he went to smooth the back of Kaya's head cooled it quickly. Ian crinkled his eyes, thinking it was a trick of the mind or play in the morning light. He let Kaya go, taking the handful of hair with him as he stepped back. Kaya looked down at where her mate was staring and gulped.

"What happened to your hair?" was the question Kaya was waiting for, and would have received if Ramone hadn't screeched out, "Oh my good god, Sexy mama, what the fuck did you do to your gorgeous hair?!" instead.

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