Predator and Prey

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It took an hour more of Liz yelling at her and her own feelings inside nagging her, before Jade finally gave in. Part of her still denied that any of it could even be true, while the rest of her knew that what Liz said was true. Whether Travis was a vampire or not, it wouldn’t stop her from feeling the way she did about him. Jade asked Liz to drop her off at his house, but when they got there, the fear that he didn’t want anything to do with her anymore kept her in the car.

            “Jade, go,” Liz pushed her.

            “What if he doesn’t want to see me?” she asked.

            Liz laughed. “Right,” she answered. “How many times did he call you when you wouldn’t talk to him?”

            “I don’t know a lot I guess.”

            “And how many messages did you get, both voicemail and texts?” she asked.

            “A lot.”

            “Then you have nothing to worry about,” Liz responded. “He would not have blown up your phone or told you his biggest secret if he didn’t want anything to do with you. Now go.” Jade nodded and got out of the car, taking a few steps forward. Before she could change her mind and get back in the car, Liz drove  away, leaving her standing outside of his house alone.

            Jade walked the rest of the way to the front door and was about to knock when it opened and Travis stood in front of her. “Hi,” he said, looking at her face and registering every emotion that passed across it. Surprise, relief, happiness; and then the longing that he knew all too well from himself.

            “Hi,” she said quietly.

            “You can come in you know.”

            “Okay,” she said and stepped in as he closed the door behind her. “How did you know I was here?”

            “I heard you and Liz in the car,” he answered, watching her expression carefully.

            “Of course you did,” she responded, seeming unbothered by the statement. “I’m sorry I didn’t believe you before. It’s just not exactly something you expect to hear.”

            “Yeah, I know,” he said. “It didn’t help that I waited until that situation to tell you.”

            “Yeah, not exactly,” she agreed.

            “So you believe it’s true, now?” he asked her. She saw in his eyes how much he needed her to believe him and not be afraid of him. Jade thought of the time they spent together and how normal he always seemed and she knew that she couldn’t be afraid of him.

            “Yes,” she answered. “I’m sorry I waited until after Liz pretty much tortured you, but I guess I was afraid to believe it.”

            “I thought you always wanted a vampire boyfriend,” he smiled.

            Jade shook her head at him. “I wasn’t afraid of you being a vampire,” she answered. “I was afraid that the whole time I liked you was because you made me want you.”

            “Made you?” Travis asked then realized what she meant. “Jade, if you like me it’s all on your own. I have never had any type of control over you like I’ve had over others.”



            This news made Jade smile with the knowledge that she was forever in charge of her own feelings and actions. She nodded and moved on. “So, the girl who changed you…” Travis’ jaw clamped shut and anger sparked in his eyes.

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